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Everything posted by ATACEO

  1. Hello all, Just an update on our site. We have partnered up with another Airline however we are still ATA Virtual Airlines. The partnership came through as a deal was made between them and I for some much advanced upgrades to our site. Our site has been completely revamped with a lot of upgrades and high tech data that I personally would have never been able to do or dreamed of doing. We are still in the final phases of our advanced upgrades and we have some more coming in the very near future. We will be adjusting our menu system as some things are out of place so things will be looking different in the coming days. We are currently working on the Route System (currently 131 Flights) as well as getting our fleet together, which brings me to another mention, we are currently seeking a Fleet Director who has knowledge in repaints for our fleet for FS9, FSX, SE as well as X-Plane. If you are interested please visit our site and Register. We have many many great Pilot Features on our site for you to utilize and many more to come in the future, so stop on by http://www.ata-virtual.com/index.php and have a look around. If you like what you see, we would love to have ya. Thanks and Happy Flying, Ron S ATA CEO.


  3. Hello Heritage1, Thanks for the warm welcome. Back in 2012 I started this venture but ran into severe family issues and had to pull the plug on it but now I am here to stay for the long haul. Will be in the air once I get my gear setup and the site fully going. Its a big job but I'm game.
  4. Hello fellow flight simmers, I would like to take this time and introduce myself. My name is Ron Sprinkel, the CEO of ATA Virtual. I understand there was once a VA named ATA Virtual and was saddened to see it close. Therefore I have decided to open up ATA Virtual under a new domain name. As CEO of ATA-Virtual I am pleased to announce the re-opening of ATA Virtual. ATA Virtual is under new domain name. ATA Virtual is seeking pilots, Hub Manger's for KIND and KMDW, and other Staff Members to fill our Roster. ATA Virtual's site is up functionally and still under construction and have a fully functional forum as well. I am hoping to be up and fully going by January 15, 2019. We will be using the paint schemes and Retro Routes that the ATA Flew. Between now and 1/15 I am hoping to have the majority of the fleet uploaded as well as more routes included in the Schedules. All Routes will eventually be from ATA's original Time Tables will all original information, but this will be very time consuming. ATA Virtual will carry over your flight hours in full from your current or past VA experiences with a verified link for proof. ATA Virtual is using the phpVMS 5.5 and will have many great features offered from the phpVMS site. ATA Virtual will have its own Discord server to use during flight and other uses. You can visit the new ATA Virtual site located here http://www.ata-virtual.com We look forward to seeing your application and hope to see you in the friendly skies. Best Regards, Ron Sprinkel - CEO ATA Virtual www.ata-virtual.com


    Hello flyalaska, thanks for your reply. Sorry it has taken me sop long to reply however I have been out of the FlightSim loop for a good while now. Anyways I am starting the VA back up again and am once again trying to get the site up and running as well as using this Skin. Yes the VA is under MAJOR construction and will be for some time however here is the URL you requested - http://www.ata-virtual.com/index.php Thanks in advance for your help.


    Hello flyalaska, thanks for your reply. Sorry it has taken me sop long to reply however I have been out of the FlightSim loop for a good while now. Anyways I am starting the VA back up again and am once again trying to get the site up and running as well as using this Skin. Yes the VA is under MAJOR construction and will be for some time however here is the URL you requested - http://www.ata-virtual.com/index.php Thanks in advance for your help.


    Hello all Ok i have the BlueIce skin installed and so far so good other then this one issue. For some reason the Map on homepage is extending over to the right side content. Any ideas how to correct this? I have all 2 other skins installed and it doesn't do it on the other skins. Here is a pic of it Thanks in advance.
  8. Yeah mine doesn't fetch anything either. I acts like it but then I get the error message posted above. Does your pop-up box go away after you click on the "Look Up" button?
  9. Ok I have was using phpvms v2 and now I have uploaded v 5.5.2 and it works sort of. Now when I enter an Airport ICAO code and hit lookup the popup goes away and then I get this message "Some fields were blank!" and nothing addded.
  10. web541, Yes I have followed this to a "T" Have checked it and double checked it.
  11. Hello all, I am new to this and am having an issue with the add new Airport and am trying to follow this thread. However in first post it says "1) Go to your local.config.php / app.config.php to change your phpvms_api_server" I have changed the app.config.php but I do not see anything related to phpvms_api_server in the local.config.php. That line is it supposed to be added to the local.config.php and if so where should it be added? Ok UPDATE: I have added the code to local.config.php and as OzFlyer said it is still not fetching any data when adding New Airport and ICAO code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and understanding
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