I don't think this is the issue, but here are the only errors I am getting.
Here are the errors I see:
[26-Oct-2023 09:52:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/domains/public_html/core/common/TouchdownStatsData.class.php on line 89
[26-Oct-2023 09:52:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Division by zero in /home/domains/public_html/core/common/TouchdownStatsData.class.php on line 94
Here is the pertaining section:
public static function airline_average() {
$stats = self::get_all_stats();
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($stats as $stat) <---------THIS IS LINE # 89
$total = $total + $stat->landingrate;
$average = $total / $count; <----------THIS IS LINE # 94
return $average;