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Everything posted by ArielSuchowski

  1. Hi all, I am the commander of the Virtual Israeli Air Force, we are now creating our main site via Wordpress, I would like us to have an iCrew pilots center. Just need someone to create it for us. That person will get paid, just DM me and tell us if you can do it or not and payment will be sent over after the site is done. Thank you very much, Ariel Suchowski
  2. can u send the database with the airports?
  3. can u send ur database?
  4. phpvms 5.5 dont remember godaddy user
  5. Warning: fopen(D:\Hosting\7868531\html\iaf/core\local.config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Hosting\7868531\html\iaf\install\includes\Installer.class.php on line 120 I get this when i try and install phpvms. I tried changing the premission of the file to 644 but i had no luck.. i get a error: Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specifications What do i do?
  6. Dm me. I have knowledge
  7. I can be. And if u need a webmaster or anything dm me back
  8. Im the owner of the Virtual Israeli Air Force and i need to make a crew center, i installed phpvms and icrew, now i dont know how to skin the icrew, if somebody has any knowledge of icrew and is willing to help me out, i would be very greatfull. My email is: arielsuchowski@gmail.com
  9. Yes! I really need help with the skinning. I downloaded icrew but i have no clew how to edit it! My email is: arielsuchowski@gmail.com
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