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  1. Hey guys, I would like to offer my VA Site in multiple languages. I created a new LangData.class.php. Everything works fine, The function Lang($pilot) returns the array $lang. When I define on any template $lang = LangData::Lang($pilot); or inside the module $this->set('lang', LangData::Lang($pilot)); it works perfectly fine. But I want to make the variable $lang accesable globaly, without having to set the variable in all modules or templates. I tried to set the variable inside the layout.php, because it covers all templates as the top file, but in that way I can only echo the array inside layout.php. I use simpilot 5.5.2 Here is my code for LangData.class.php: <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Langugage Package by GermanExpress VA /// /// Author germanexpressva.de /// /// Packed at 06/08/2019 /// /// Copyright (c) 2019, germanexpressva.de /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// class LangData extends CodonData { public static function Lang($pilot) { //GERMAN if($pilot->lang == 'de') { $lang = array( 'TEST_TITLE' => 'testtextde' ); //ENGLISH AS STANDARD } else { $lang = array( 'TEST_TITLE' => 'testtexten' ); }; return $lang; } } ?> Thanks in advance, Tolga
  2. I found a solution by myself. All I did was to assign id to header and sidebar and little css modification. <!-- REMOVE HEADER & FOOTER <script> document.getElementById('header').remove(); document.getElementById('aside').remove(); </script> <style> .content-wrapper{ margin-left: 0px; } </style> END REMOVE HEADER & FOOTER --> This style modification is only valid for CrewCenter Skin, but the rest works perfectly fine with any other skin.
  3. I use CrewCenter skin from MarkSwan. I want to design a main page on phpvms system, but I don't know how to remove the header from specific templates. Do you have any idea? - Tolga -
  4. Whate references do you mean?
  5. I also have the "blank map" issue. There is still no issue. I use CrewCenter form MarkSwan on phpvms simpilot 5.5.2... I followed all instructions, but still no solution for me. All CSS and JS Files are included to the page when I analyze the source code with firefox. Could anybody help please? Here I have some errors ReferenceError: L is not defined base_map.js:10:9 <anonym> https://crew.germanexpressva.de/lib/js/base_map.js:10 ReferenceError: acars_map_defaults is not defined acarsmap.js:36:15 <anonym> https://crew.germanexpressva.de/lib/js/acarsmap.js:36 ReferenceError: L is not defineddashboard:545:5 <anonym> https://crew.germanexpressva.de/dashboard:545 Thanks ahead Tolga
  6. Hey guys, my hosting company doesn't support php5 anymore, so I had to migrate phpvms to php7. Everything works fine, except of two things. When the pilot get's a success message, i.e. "successfully registered" there is only a white blank page with no errors. If there is an error message it works fine and it shows up. I also have a similar issue on schedules search form page. When pilots tries to search a flight on domain.tld/schedules and on domain.tld/schedules/view there is a blank white page. But when I open domain.tld/schedules/details/50 where 50 is the schedule id, everything works fine again. Can anyone help me please? On some pages I had to remove <?php if(!defined('IN_PHPVMS') && IN_PHPVMS !== true) { die(); } ?> from skin file to make it work, but for the above mentioned issues it is not working... Greetings
  7. It work's now. Thanks!
  8. Thanks, there is no error message anymore. But the avatar still doesn't display. Inside /lib/avatars there is no avatar after changing avatar.
  9. Hey everyone, As I have the same issue, I would like to ask if anyone has figured out why anything like this happens. I use phpvms versions simpilot 5.5.2 and my skin is Crewcenter from swan58. Please help.
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