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Everything posted by easternhops

  1. thank you for your reply looking forward to having that back asap... can I have your discord address plz? thanks
  2. Hello, Acars 7 app 2.0453 does not allow png,jpeg images from the news portion of our website to transfer to the Dashboard portion of Acars but it lets the text like it did in the 1st version I was able to add mapp picture and information for an upcoming event now the new 2 version dose not allow this any idea what might be happening... thanks for your time Mr Pizza EasternHops
  3. sorry about that my bad won't happen again
  4. I am tring to add this weeks event to Acars like I have been doing but now it will not let me add a screenshot I tried png, jpg but its not working like it did before thanks
  5. thanks for your time
  6. I also have another question is there a new link for the new ACARS version download as of now the link we are using downloads the older version and we you restart it its shows the new update my web guy is "MIA" thanks again
  7. yes, I understand many variables but it would be an estimated time "ETE" "Estimate Time In Route" I know my guys would love it again thanks for your time from Robert
  8. hey I am Robert aka Pizza CEO of EasternHops if you need any testers we/I would be glad to help you we have just switched from another system and the guys are loving it and the new version looks great I was wondering some of my guys and myself would like to know if you could add on "time left for flight" Maybe like "ETE" that would put the cherry on the cake lol Thanks from Pizza EasternHops https://discord.gg/easternhops
  9. Hey a lot ov my VA guys are asking will there be a way to add on to see how much time left for flight as is now you have "Flight Time/Disance" in other apps we have used there was feature telling us how long before landing. thanks for your time Robert aka Mr Pizza EasternHops
  10. Hello, I have an virtual airline and need help with my backend it's all messed up and needs a good going over. I lost my guy that was doing my website work. I now have guys that can do the day to day stuff but is not good with the deep backend stuff can anyone help us out? will pay for your time. PM me or email easternhops@gmail.com thanks Robert CEO easternhops.com
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