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Everything posted by nicky9499

  1. Hi gents, I just had an episode whereby my web host disconnected all my sites due to "excessive server requests". While this was resolved after much grief with their support staff, the core issue is not solved, and this is also not the first time such an event has happened. This time, the support agent kindly provided full logs for the 15 minutes leading up to the disconnection. https://pastebin.com/tLHyNS0j Naturally, I don't know what these mean at all but the server was indeed being hit with an alarming amount of consecutive requests. Examples: "POST /api/pireps/2Axjw96wnZOAVrlm/acars/positions HTTP/1.1" 200 41 "-" "RestSharp/" "POST /api/pireps/vYJm58W54j9VmJXG/update HTTP/1.1" 200 97599 "-" "RestSharp/" "POST /api/pireps/vYJm58W54j9VmJXG/acars/logs HTTP/1.1" 200 36 "-" "RestSharp/" "POST /api/pireps/2Axjw96wnZOAVrlm/update HTTP/1.1" 200 107528 "-" "RestSharp/" "POST /api/pireps/3Gj3MxNMYL7nP1RN/fields HTTP/1.1" 200 134 "-" "RestSharp/" 2186 requests over a period of 15 minutes. Is this normal? I still have no idea what an "acceptable" rate is and there is no clarity from the host on this as well. My cPanel shows that I have plenty of resources left https://prnt.sc/22ris03 In the interim, I have doubled all refresh timings from 15 to 30 seconds in vmsacars settings. However I still don't know if this is sufficient or whether or not it will prevent another future outage. Can someone advise please?
  2. Posterity update. Started from scratch again, but with the original files I used instead of what ProAvia linked. https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/releases/tag/7.0.0-beta.3 Then went through the installer very carefully. Clicking "test database" button makes a weird section appear below instead of any actual test result. So I clicked back, re-entered the correct db details and just hit next. Here's the blow-by-blow screenshot of every page. https://imgur.com/a/zxtxJh6
  3. Wiped the whole thing completely clean again, database and all. This is the very first thing that greets me with the third try. Do these files mutate or something while sitting on my drive? Why is it every time I upload them a different set of problems arise? http://prntscr.com/s2as7o
  4. I uploaded those files - clean, of course. The formatting now shows but this error page is encountered after "database setup". http://prntscr.com/s24v9v Attempting to go back to the root address shows this error: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'singap08_vms7.users' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `users` order by `created_at` desc limit 4)
  5. I've uploaded a copy of v7 (obtained from here) onto my server to tinker and test with. No issues with setting up the database although I noticed everything was in Times New Roman. Sure enough something was wrong. Right now the site is devoid of any formatting or images. http://singaporevirtualairlines.org/beta/public/index.php/login Can someone advise please? All I did was literally upload files > go to index.php > run installer
  6. Hi guys, I was trying to export schedules today and realized the output is completely messed up. This is on a relatively new phpvms install of phpvms (the php7.2 simpilot version) with no funny stuff or mods done to the backend. Can someone advise what's going on here and how to fix it please? Thank you. https://prnt.sc/r24d26
  7. Hi all, I recently upgraded IPS software on the same server that phpvms is hosted on - the same one that necessitated upgrading to php7.2 - and at the end was greeted with this warning message. http://prntscr.com/qwhzgr Before I go ahead and turn off anything can I just check with the techies here if any of the mentioned functions are required by PHPVMS? Thanks
  8. G'day all, I have a small question about pilot ranks in phpvms Specifically, is it possible to designate special "management" ranks to staff member accounts without having to be tied to a flight hours count? Our temporary solution is to just give staff accounts an unrealistically high number of hours that regular pilots won't hit, but this is not idea. http://ops.singaporevirtualairlines.org/index.php/rank Am comfortable with editing tables in phpmyadmin and phpfiles via ftp. Any advice is appreciated.
  9. Theme has been installed successfully with Eddie's kind assistance. The problem was something with the chat module and site works well after removing it.
  10. OK this is going to sound a bit stupid, but it turns out I have been running the "7.2-friendly" version all along. The reason why I got confused (other than that there's so many "releases") is the bottom right of my Admin panel stated " simpilot", so when Eddie give me a link and said I needed to use one from ProAviaAZ's github (which is yours), I thought it was another release altogether. I compared the files, they were identical, uploaded them to another subdomain, set it up and sure enough the bottom right reads simpilot as well. So we're back to square one where OceanBlue does not install properly on a 7.2 compatible phpvms install. Have uploaded lib, core, additional modules, imported the airmail SQL. What else am I missing??
  11. Thanks for the advice. Could you elaborate a bit on the "link it to the 5.5.2 database" step please?
  12. I have a follow up questions for the experts here. Following a clean install and attempt to install OceanBlue with Eddie's help, he has advised that I need a particular version of phpvms in order to run his theme. I am now past the point where I can easily do another clean install with some pilots already filing flights under an early release/testing phase. On the other hand, because my server also runs other sites that require php7.2 (IPB for example), downgrading the php version is out of the question. Putting aside the continuous frustration that is the seemingly endless varieties of phpvms and no apparent official release version, can someone advise how one would jump from a "5.6-friendly" 5.5.2 to a "7.2-friendly" 5.5.2 without losing any data please?
  13. Just sent you a message from there.
  14. I tried to PM @flyalaska (Eddie?) but the forum reported the account is unable to receive PM at this time. To reduce the back-and-forth, could we perhaps correspond via my "serious" email? [nic@ccrx.us] Thank you in advance for offering to help, I deeply appreciate it.
  15. Thanks for the link, I've now rtfm-ed and reinstalled it correctly, including all 3 additional modules. Edit: with AirMail installed it showed a huge wall-of-text fatal error. I have removed all AirMail files. Now the site loads but it's all still pretty screwed up. http://www.singaporevirtualairlines.org/operations/
  16. Gday all, Have a simple question hopefully nobody finds stupid. We're using Smartcars to track and submit flights but getting a "PIREP does not exist" error after each flight. When I look into the database there is phpvms_acarsdata and phpvms_pireps, both of which (worryingly) are not showing some flights that were done. Can I check how are flights stored in phpvms please and is there anything to take note of when using with Smartcars? Thanks.
  17. Gday gentlemen, I have a small issue with applying skins. First some essential information: php 7.2, phpvms The problem is every time I upload a new skin, it generates an error very similar to this: Notice: The template file "/home/singap08/public_html/operations//lib/skins/OceanBluev3/header.php" doesn't exist in /home/singap08/public_html/operations/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Initially I thought this was just the theme being outdated or generally problematic (as evidenced by the number of posts on the release thread asking for help). Today I tried OceanBlue which is close enough to what I'm looking for and also the thread was pretty clean. However it still threw the same error as pasted above. When I looked in that php file and line 231 it was just the following which doesn't make sense to me whatsoever. Haven't TPL files been phased out since forever, why is the theme still trying to look for one? At the end of the day what I'm just trying to do is apply a basic, presentable and modern theme - no advanced or custom features required.
  18. Sorry for the bump but having the exact same problem here. Trying to select a different skin but that (along with most of the site settings) are gone. Already did what simpilot said, line edited successfully but no difference made. Version simpilot/php7.2 Also tried re-uploading the admin folder but no joy.
  19. I did not have any custom skins installed. The site loaded correctly after installation, I think it was a bad edit to the config. Overwriting with fresh set of files solved the problem.
  20. Hi guys, I'm getting this error, can anyone advise how to resolve it please? The site it completely inaccessible. Warning: Use of undefined constant IN_PHPVMS - assumed 'IN_PHPVMS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/singap08/public_html/operations/admin/templates/sidebar_schedules.php on line 1 phpvms 5.5.72-master php version 7.2
  21. I didn't do that, it sounds far too complicated for my skill level. A quick google search turned up this thread which offered a quick fix. Sorry for not updating properly for posterity.
  22. Thanks all for the replies, I'm starting to get an idea of what went wrong. Somewhere along the line early on I got the impression that "v2" was just another way of referring to the "old" phpvms 5.5, compared to the "new" 7. Combined with the generally unclear information or general consensus on where exactly one should get the latest files - it seems like everytime some major issue is fixed someone just posts another git link - I ended up with a "v2_master" and "v2_classic" from https://codeload.github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/zip/master Obviously I will now download 5.5.x from the repository right here, but before I do so can I check with the experts is it ok to upgrade by way of simply overwriting the files on the server or is a clean install necessary? I do not have much data imported/added yet, only a dozen or so aircraft, schedules and test pilot accounts.
  23. The bottom right says Version 2.1.936. I'm aware there is a 5.x number as well but this is nowhere to be found in the UI so this is the only concrete answer, especially since there are so many other downloads besides the one here. php 5.6 icrewlite downloaded from the download repository here too.
  24. Hi gio thanks for the reply. I came across that thread in my search and it doesn't contain any useful information too I'm afraid. Can you share what steps you took as referenced in this post?
  25. Gday gents, I'm quite new to skinning so please be patient. Have tried googling for this issue but nothing concrete came up. Right after install and having setup the config file, this following error is shown at the site's header. Notice: The template file "/home/singap08/public_html/operations//lib/skins/iCrewLITE/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/singap08/public_html/operations/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 operations.singaporevirtualairlines.org Can someone advise please? Thank you.
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