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Everything posted by zacmia

  1. Sorry if this is the wrong category to ask this, or if it's been answered already, but I couldn't find the answer when searching the forums. I guess recently VATSIM updated their prefile api and when using the VATSIM Prefile button on my VA's site within the generated SimBrief, it no longer populates the remarks field on the VATSIM prefile site. Here's the code we were using before for the prefile button on the simbrief page. <?php $info->vatsim_prefile = str_replace('<input type="hidden" name="11" value="RMK/POWERED BY SIMBRIEF">', '<input type="hidden" name="11" value="RMK/POWERED BY SIMBRIEF/VISIT US AT FLYUVA.ORG">', $info->vatsim_prefile); echo (string) $info->vatsim_prefile; ?> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance if you have the answer or can point me in the right direction. Zac
  2. Is anyone available to create a custom ACARS or can you point me in the right direction. This would be for phpvms 5.5.X. Looking for something that has a bit more detail in the log than what smartcars provides. Things like autopilot disconnected, landing lights on, etc. Thanks guys. -Zac
  3. This is the file that was downloaded and uploaded as is. https://github.com/web541/phpvMS-Random-Flights
  4. @web541 I recently downloaded RandomFlights from your github which was updated for phpvms 5.5.x. I've tried using this but every time I search for something, regardless of the selections entered, it returns No Routes Found! Any ideas on why it's doing this? Thanks in advance for a response. -Zac
  5. Thanks for the help 🙂
  6. SmartCARS
  7. Hey guys, I've tried searching for this and can't seem to find an answer anywhere.. does anyone know if it's possible or how to show on the pirep_viewreport the actual times for the phases, like preflight started at __:__, takeoff at __:__ Thanks in advance for anyone that is able to help. -Zac
  8. I'm using the flight position tracker from cc.
  9. Any chance someone can help me out with this? Not very good at coding.
  10. Hi guys. I'm new to phpvms but pretty much have the entirety of my crew center up and running, I just need some help with connecting simbrief to my dispatches. I received my API key this morning but that's about as far as I'm getting 😅 Is anyone available to help me out with this? Thanks in advance! -Zac P.
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