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  1. I've done the leaflet upgrade just so you know. I was checking periodically, and even when the flight phase was in cruise, they were still at 0/0 with an altitude of 0, although their speed showed a correct value. As for the privacy, I have been making all of the pages log in only, but every so often one comes up which I've missed!!!
  2. Hi there, I am using Mark Swan's crew center and CCFTracker to track flights at my VA. However, the live ACARS map on the dashboard does not function as expected. I get all information listed for flights except altitude (which reads 0) and all flights on the map show up at roughly 0,0. Screenshot attached. I have not made any modifications to the relevant files. https://ibb.co/ZfPhvdH Please note that I have not included the information bar in the photo to protect the privacy of my pilots. Thanks!
  3. Hi there, Having just released my VA, the problems are already rolling in!!! When trying to use the schedule search page on my crewcenter (by Mark Swan), I get this: https://ibb.co/T0KyrkL I need a solution quickly!!! Please send help XD William
  4. Pilots! After much planning and two weeks of hard work, I am proud to announce that Thomas Cook Virtual has begun operations! We currently fly to more than 80 destinations in 32 countries around the globe in North America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Our current fleet consists of the A330 and A321, and we are currently in the process of expanding our fleet to include the 737, 757 and 767. At the heart of our Airline is a sleek, modern, functional crew centre powered by Mark Swan’s CrewCenter. Book and plan flights easily with our SimBrief integration, and track and submit flights with our easy to use ACARS software. Come and join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/gKTBdmz Sign up now: http://tcxvirtual.com We look forward to seeing you!
  5. Why is that?
  6. Will do all that. Thank you so much!
  7. Already have a domain from google domains. Thanks for the assistance - I’ll migrate this evening or tomorrow and let you know how it goes
  8. @ProAvia I opened a ticket with iFastNet and they said this: https://ibb.co/60SMSrD Is it ok?
  9. Hi there, I’m looking for recommendations for hosting providers which I can use for my VA. What hosting do you use/recommend? Thanks!
  10. What hosting do you guys recommend?
  11. I think it may be the free hosting after all. https://ibb.co/nCsJx20 This is the problem. Time to pay for hosting!
  12. Gio raised this point: https://ibb.co/1qr6PM0 Any ideas?
  13. oh yes i forgot. Within the crew.tcxvirtual.com folder there is a htdocs folder which is where everything is.
  14. Negative. That is where my crew.tcxvirtual.com folder is.
  15. This is free hosting... So far though I've had absolutely no issues with it - from installation up to now. its infinityfree.net. When I said Home I didn't mean a directory, it is just represented by a little Home icon in the file manager.
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