I'm trying to require a field for all of my members to put in a vatsim CID. When I select show on registration and require it doesn't show up on registration, nor does it come up for logged in accounts.
Not really sure where to start.
I go to that admin panel and go to the aircraft tab and press export. Then I made a list of all the aircraft I want to add in the same format as the exported csv. Then import the new csv and it gives me the error.
I'm trying to upload a csv file following the csv that it gives you when you export of 230 aircraft.
After uploading it gives me a CSV file doesn't seem to match import type error
Not sure what to do...
Running phpvms Version 7.0.0-dev+210226.43fbe9
and PHP 7.3
Hello, I'm trying to upgrade my VA to phpVMS 7's beta... I'm having an issue after dragging the files into my subdomain and whenever I open it it gives me HTTP ERROR 500.
I looked at a form and it said to remove .htaccess from the directory and no luck with that. From there I wasn't able to fix it. I'm willing to give any info that helps
New install of phpVMS for a new airlines.
I'm using smartCARS for my ACARS system
There are no listed aircraft
And I tried to upload the csv but it just said:
The import process is complete, added 0 aircraft, updated 0, for a total of 0
Not sure if I can update MySQL.. I looked on the Cpanel but no luck.
I tried to import an aircraft.csv file but it didn't upload anything, I'm also not sure what the csv format should be and what info i need on the aircraft.