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ToastTheFourth last won the day on May 18 2021

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  1. Ah thank you, It was an issue with my theme. Thanks so much
  2. Hello, I'm trying to require a field for all of my members to put in a vatsim CID. When I select show on registration and require it doesn't show up on registration, nor does it come up for logged in accounts. Not really sure where to start.
  3. I go to that admin panel and go to the aircraft tab and press export. Then I made a list of all the aircraft I want to add in the same format as the exported csv. Then import the new csv and it gives me the error.
  4. Yes, I added a single aircraft and exported the csv of the exact same phpvms version, and database. Nothing has changed..
  5. Hello, I'm trying to upload a csv file following the csv that it gives you when you export of 230 aircraft. After uploading it gives me a CSV file doesn't seem to match import type error Not sure what to do... Running phpvms Version 7.0.0-dev+210226.43fbe9 and PHP 7.3
  6. I followed all the installation docs several times.. MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.11 PHP: 5.6.40
  7. I installed the most recent dev build (Version 7.0.0-dev+210226.43fbe9) and still no luck with the error..
  8. Hello, I'm trying to upgrade my VA to phpVMS 7's beta... I'm having an issue after dragging the files into my subdomain and whenever I open it it gives me HTTP ERROR 500. I looked at a form and it said to remove .htaccess from the directory and no luck with that. From there I wasn't able to fix it. I'm willing to give any info that helps
  9. New install of phpVMS for a new airlines. I'm using smartCARS for my ACARS system There are no listed aircraft And I tried to upload the csv but it just said: The import process is complete, added 0 aircraft, updated 0, for a total of 0
  10. I was able to find a way to update my SQL but I can't go to 5.6 I have to go up to MySQL 10.2
  11. Not sure if I can update MySQL.. I looked on the Cpanel but no luck. I tried to import an aircraft.csv file but it didn't upload anything, I'm also not sure what the csv format should be and what info i need on the aircraft.
  12. phpVMS 5.5.X PHP 5.6 (I've also tried 5.3 same issue) MySQL 4.9.5 And I have a skin activated.. but the admin panel is default
  13. Not sure what's going on.. when I try to add an aircraft to my fleet it just says There was an error adding the aircraft
  14. I got it all figured out. I tried again and it just worked lol
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