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Everything posted by jftejeiro

  2. The config / mail.php, do I have to configure it? figure this host: 'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.mailgun.org'), 'default' => env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'), 'mailers' => [ 'smtp' => [ 'transport' => 'smtp', 'host' => env('MAIL_HOST', 'smtp.mailgun.org'), 'port' => env('MAIL_PORT', 587), 'encryption' => env('MAIL_ENCRYPTION', 'tls'), 'username' => env('MAIL_USERNAME'), 'password' => env('MAIL_PASSWORD'), 'timeout' => null, ],
  3. I am making a record myself of a pilot to test. We are three administrators and the email does not reach any of the three. If that probe MAIL_ENCRYPTION = 'tls' and it doesn't work either I copied a part of the LOG, and from the registration request the LOG puts this: [2021-04-14 22:50:03] prod.INFO: Migrations available: 0 [2021-04-14 22:50:18] prod.INFO: User MDN0111 state changing from Pending to Active [2021-04-14 22:50:18] prod.INFO: NotificationEvents::onUserStateChange: New user state=1 [2021-04-14 22:50:18] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing user, MDN0111=XXXXXX@yahoo.es, error=Mailer [mail] is not defined. [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.INFO: Set pilot ID for user 33 to 111 [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.INFO: NotificationEvents::onUserRegister: MDN0111 is Pending, sending active email [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing admin (XXXXXXX@mundoairlines.com). Error=Mailer [mail] is not defined. [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing admin (XXXXXX@gmail.com). Error=Mailer [mail] is not defined. [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing admin (XXXXXX@miscorreos.net). Error=Mailer [mail] is not defined. [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing user, MDN0111=XXXXXX@yahoo.es, error=Mailer [mail] is not defined. [2021-04-14 22:54:04] prod.INFO: User registered: {"id":33,"pilot_id":111,"name":"ManoloCaracol","email":"XXXXXX@yahoo.es","airline_id":"1","rank_id":"1","country":"es","home_airport_id":"EDDT","curr_airport_id":"EDDT","last_pirep_id":null,"flights":0,"flight_time":0,"transfer_time":0,"avatar":null,"timezone":"GMT","status":0,"state":0,"toc_accepted":true,"opt_in":true,"active":null,"last_ip":null,"created_at":"2021-04-14T22:54:04.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-04-14T22:54:04.000000Z","deleted_at":null,"journal":{"id":35,"ledger_id":null,"type":"1","balance":{"App\\Support\\Money":"€0,00"},"currency":"EUR","morphed_type":"App\\Models\\User","morphed_id":"33","created_at":"2021-04-14T22:54:04.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-04-14T22:54:04.000000Z"},"rank":{"id":1,"name":"Piloto IFR","image_url":"public/assets/img/ranks/1.png","hours":0,"acars_base_pay_rate":"50.00","manual_base_pay_rate":"20.00","auto_approve_acars":null,"auto_approve_manual":null,"auto_promote":true,"auto_approve_above_score":"0","auto_approve_score":null,"created_at":null,"updated_at":"2021-04-14T18:28:01.000000Z"},"airline":{"id":1,"icao":"MDN","iata":"MDN","name":"MundoAirlines VA","country":"es","logo":"/public/assets/img/logo.png","active":true,"total_flights":0,"total_time":0,"created_at":"2021-04-13T14:14:45.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-04-13T16:36:09.000000Z"}} [2021-04-14 22:54:15] prod.INFO: Migrations available: 0 [2021-04-14 22:55:09] prod.INFO: User MDN0111 state changing from Pending to Active [2021-04-14 22:55:09] prod.INFO: NotificationEvents::onUserStateChange: New user state=1 [2021-04-14 22:55:09] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing user, MDN0111=XXXXXX@yahoo.es, error=Mailer [mail] is not defined.
  4. Nothing, I can't. This is what I put. I put it with two different email addresses, but nothing Tomorrow I will try another little # EMAIL SETTINGS # Look at the available mail configs in config / mail.php # Also refer to the Laravel docs here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/mail MAIL_DRIVER = smtp MAIL_FROM_NAME = 'MundoAirlines GO - DO NOT ANSWER' MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS='noreply@mundoairlines.com ' MAIL_HOST = 'smtp.hostinger.es' MAIL_PORT = 587 MAIL_ENCRYPTION = MAIL_USERNAME='noreply@mundoairlines.com ' MAIL_PASSWORD = 'My pass'
  5. I need help to configure the email # EMAIL SETTINGS # Look at the available mail configs in config / mail.php # Also refer to the Laravel docs here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/mail MAIL_DRIVER = smtp MAIL_FROM_NAME = 'phpVMS DOES NOT RESPOND' MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS = 'MY MAIL GOES HERE' MAIL_HOST = 'here goes the host, but I don't know which one to put smtp.hostinger.es, imap.hostinger.es, hostinger.es' MAIL_PORT = '587' or '995' if outbound or inbound MAIL_ENCRYPTION = MAIL_USERNAME = my username MAIL_PASSWORD = my password I tried various convinations but none of them work for me. My service provider is hostinger.es imap.hostinger.es 993 smtp.hostinger.es 587 pop.hostinger.es 995 The HOST mail I do not know what to put, because I tried with everyone and I do not receive emails when a pilot is registered. And another thing that I have doubt is if the values are between '' or without them. And I can't get users to receive an email when they sign up
  6. Tengo un serio problema. Ayer instalé phpvms7.0.0 dev 201223. Desde la instalación, los BOTS se están registrando como pilotos. ¿Hay alguna manera de parar esto? Anoche borré dos, esta mañana ya había dos más
  7. Through the page
  8. I have an error with the downloads. In a subfleet I uploaded a file of an A320 texture. I did the test and the download worked fine. Then I deleted the texture of the subfleet and now when I click the Dowload menu on the main page, I get this error window
  9. How to put a download to show on the download page. In the admin panel, I don't see any menu to put them
  10. Yes. With simbrief downloader I already use it and it works fine. But since the web has the option of downloading the plans generated with simbrief, it would be convenient for each thing to be done in its folder
  11. As you do for the pilot payment. Do you set a fixed price to pay the pilot? Do you set a price to pay the pilot, different in each flight route? Do you pay by rank? In the rates, the payment to the pilot is not managed, but what the company spends on fuel passage etc ... What is the best way. I have four flights and I did not enter any euro as a pilot
  12. SOLVED. I open the CSV file with LibreOffice Calc and in the Subfleets column I write all the sub-fleets separated by POINT AND COMMA; EXAMPLE: A320-200-NEO; B738W-NG; B787-10; All the text is written within the same cell, the one destined to the subfleet
  13. There is a problem with massively assigning two or more planes to many routes. If you have 500 routes created and you create two sub-fleets, assigning each route, one by one, the two sub-fleets is a never-ending task. If you add a single sub-fleet, when exporting the CSV file, the aircraft appears added in the subfleets column. If you add two sub-fleets, and re-export the csv file, the second sub-fleet appears added in the column fares. I understand that the fares column cannot contain a subfleet. In other words: If in a CSV file exported from Routes, you put a sub-fleet in the subfleets column and the other sub-fleet in the fares column, when you import the csv file into phpvms, you can see how the fares section contains a fleet. Either this is wrong, or it's me who doesn't understand it. And if I want to add three sub-blooms, the third is loaded into the fields column. Can someone explain to me how to load two sub-fleets, one of the A320 and the other of the B738 in bulk to 500 routes. Do I have to do it in the administration panel, one by one?
  14. Is there any possibility to make VMSacars download the flight plans on their custom routes? Put a tab where you can select the routes of the different programs that are generated with simbrief and not have to go looking for the folder where to save it. It would be very comfortable
  15. If I'm honest, I don't know. My provider is Hostinger I've been trying all afternoon to get the cron running in the hostinger cpanel, without much success. They had to do something, because they have solved it, the warning message no longer appears in the admin panel of phpvms7 I look at the hostinger cpanel, and I don't see anything activated related to cron. I don't know what they did. They told me that what I had to do was the following: What you should do is generate the PHP file that executes the cron and configure the cron with the advanced functions
  16. I have an error in the admin panel: The cron has not run in more than 12 hours; make sure it's setup and check logs at storage / logs / cron.log. What I don't know is what instruction I have to execute in the cpanel of my hosting public_html / cron / cron.php ??? - It doesn't work public_html / cron / artisan ??? - It doesn't work public_html/artisan schedule:run ??? - It doesn't work public_html/crontab -e ??? - timeout: failed to run command âpublic_html/crontabâ: No such file or directory etc... I have installed phpvms7 in the root of public_html What instruction do I have to put ??? Thanks
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