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anderluizferreira last won the day on July 13 2022

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  1. Hello If you're interested, I'm from Brazil and I can do the installation and configuration. The value of installing phpvms7, configuring the server and modules is $60
  2. Hello I already made some changes to change the gravatar, but it doesn't change. Can someone help me what I'm doing wrong. Below are the images of what was changed I put this in the env.php file
  3. Se você precisa de alguem para instalar o PHPVMS 7 em português Brasil, pode me chamar!!! Instalar apenas: phpVMS v7 apenas O preço inclui apenas a instalação sem trabalho personalizado, em lingua portuguesa. Instalo seu software phpVMS e entrego para você. Você receberá apenas uma instalação básica completa. Sem mods ou conteúdo adicional. Você poderá fazer login, contratar pilotos e usar o ACARS (comprado a parte). Todo o software phpVMS é gratuito e estou fornecendo apenas o serviço de instalação, em servidor. (recomendo servidor pago) Certifique-se de que seu servidor atende aos requisitos para hospedar o phpVMS v7 Tabela de Valor Instalação em português Brasil (sem acars) - R$200,00 Instalação em português Brasil (com acars que você adquiriu) - R$250,00 Instalação em português Brasil + Acars + Logotigo da VA - R$300,00 Instalação em português Brasil + Acars + Logotigo da VA + modulo Jumpseat - R$400,00 Mudança da cor padrão : R$100,00 Interessados mandar email: anderluizferreira@icloud.com in English If you need someone to install PHPVMS 7 in Brazilian Portuguese, call me!!! Install only: phpVMS v7 only The price includes only installation without custom work, in Portuguese. I install your phpVMS software and deliver it to you. You will only receive a complete basic installation. No mods or additional content. You will be able to log in, hire drivers and use ACARS (purchased separately). All phpVMS software is free and I am only providing server installation service. (I recommend paid server) Make sure your server meets the requirements to host phpVMS v7 Value Table Installation in Portuguese Brazil (without acars) - R$200.00 Installation in Portuguese Brazil (with acars you purchased) - R$250.00 Installation in Portuguese Brazil + Acars + VA Logo - R$300.00 Installation in Portuguese Brazil + Acars + VA Logo + Jumpseat module - R$400.00 Default color change: R$100.00 Interested send email: anderluizferreira@icloud.com
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  4. Hello I'm using PHPVMS7 DEV, and after a week of use, the rating and pay-per-flight system for pilots stopped working. I've searched here on the forum and on discord and haven't found anything I can do. Even putting it in the automatic homologation post, it does not approve the pireps, as well as it does not generate expenses and income and does not pay the pilots. follow some images below. even pressing the recalculation button does not this was the first one that worked correctly
  5. Instalei seu módulo, está tudo ok. porém quando reservo o voo, quando envio o plano para o simbrief ele mostra esse erro
  6. @DisposableHero Thanks so much for your help again... I managed to install the module, and activate... however I am not able to find how to activate JUMPSEAT, I have already analyzed the manual several times and I have not found it. could you help me how to activate or where to activate JUMPSEAT
  7. thanks my friend
  8. Hello everyone I installed php7.0 dev, but I would like to know if it has the function for JUMPSEAT pilots? If yes, how should I activate it? Thanks
  9. God's peace... It worked, I was very happy! Could you help me with more information? How do I change the logo Thank you so much again
  10. I'm sorry because I'm new where can i find the folder to be replaced?
  11. is there any way to translate to Portuguese from Brazil, or any help to do it? thanks
  12. Estou iniciando uma VA e gostaria de saber o valor que cobraria para instalação da phpVMS 7. Meu email de contato anderluizferreira@gmail.com obrigado I'm starting a VA and I would like to know the amount I would charge for installing phpVMS 7. My contact email anderluizferreira@gmail.com thanks
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