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swaluver480 last won the day on June 6 2023

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  1. @Strider are you still doing this? if not i would like learn how to keep supplying VAs with navdata thanks
  2. okay let me try it thx
  3. i still dont get how to install this
  4. Something i have been working on with a friend lately is creating a flight path line from the flown route on v5.5.2 This is still the early stages but everything is already there thats needed. when i do the corrections and other fun stuff to the code i will put it out. check it out for yourself. This is without the addons that cost $$$ and made with everything already given to you (but with leaflet) leaflet will be required to run this as im not paying $$$ for a google maps API So lets Continue on First thing is first, we have to make a db from your mysql CREATE TABLE [name of your table] ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, flightnum VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, lat DECIMAL(8, 6) NOT NULL, lng DECIMAL(9, 6) NOT NULL ); you can name yours whatever. this is where you will store all of that flight lat and lng. Im still working on the code to grab that data for a selected flight but might as well start you on the MYsql side.. I wouldnt recommend doing this if you have little experience with MYSQL and adding into the DB
  5. What the heck+?! Mine didn't show any of that on edge.. interesting okay. That's also not the problem either. Somehow the route map is on there but isn't even referenced in my php too
  6. hello, im completely stumped, if you see my webpage https://vswa.net/index.php/pireps/view/199 you'll see the "route map" below the map i added in (continuous work going on) I tried my code as a different name and there is no "route map" so my next question im going to ask is where is that route map coming from, what interconnected paret that isnt even in my coding is calling that code? what the heck is going on lol
  7. it sounds to me like how swavirtual.com isl, where you have to be a member of vatsim in order to join but adding in to login in using vatsim SSO as well.
  8. I dont think youre understanding, you need to buy the SSL certificate when you bought your domain name and then configure it.
  9. so you deleted the download in your MySQL database? well i would think you would need to recreate it? phpvms_downloads so that would have to be the name. and then add in these for the structure hits, image, link, description, name, pid, id Im just going off of mine so im sure youll have to do some eediting somewhere in your files. did you happen to save a backup of your db by any chance?
  10. I also could see another option would be to create a API that would log you in and then redirect you. That would be a lot easier if you have the necessary information that goes with it.
  11. after some research through multiple forms and talking to some other VA owners on discord (since im interested in this too) looks like youll have to do some extensive work. first youll need to navigate to app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php and make the necessary changes use VATSIMSSO\VATSIMSSO; use VATSIMSSO\Auth\Token; use VATSIMSSO\Auth\User; then it looks like youll have to navigate (i belive in that same file) and find handleProviderCallback() code this is where i got told youll have to make a php code below it that verifies the incoming request, gets the Users access token, and details, and logins the user. (have no idea without recreating it what that code will be) then navigate to routes/web.php there add in the vatsim sso callback Route::get('/auth/vatsim/callback', 'App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@handleProviderCallback'); youll also probably will need to modify the config file and a few more but he told me thats a start as he didnt go all the way through becuase he gained the info needed for what his needs were. i hope this helps you out
  12. I would think you would need to go into multiple files and make changes. KiloSierraCharlie / VATSIM-SSO
  13. This is what comes up. Can anyone please can't seem to figure it out
  14. just wanted info on how to do it. ill figure the rest out thank you so much!
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