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  1. Charlier


    Hello Provia, It's okay, I'm not tied to APVacars. It was just a welcome application to run a 1 person VA. Too bad but time does not stand still and developers move on. I don't think PhPvms 5.2 is running on my server, it is equipped with Php 8.0 to PhP 8.2. That was the reason why I went for PhPvms v7. But respect for you guys, I was in love with the PhPvms v7 really a nice application. And then add the beautiful works of DisposableHero and I had a wonderfully beautiful environment. A beautiful dream that ended quickly hihihi. It is difficult to find a good and reliable application for 1 person. I even tried installing FsPassengers as a flight collection. However, this one is annoyingly from 2010 (Last version) Also tried this one but FsPadmin is not suitable for https:// and runs somewhere on PhP 5. Nice of you to think in possibilities, but I think my dream was short and ended too. Everything I find is pre-PhP 7.2.
  2. Charlier


    Thank you for the answer ProAvia. I will remove phpVMS from my server then, I am too old to give a lot of money for my hobby. I planned to build an own virtual airline because many VA's block te FS2004 users, the vendors don't sell products anymore. But i'm a die hard on FS2004 and my Boeing fleet. For 20 years now i fly proud in my 707, one of the first aircraft i saw in real. (and other Boeings of course. Good luck with phpVMS i did like it a lot.
  3. Charlier


    Hello everyone, Now i encounter a real problem during the select VA procedure. I made a screen of it because i don't know what that means lol. Hope that someone can solve this problem for me.
  4. I have PHP 8.0 installed, it is working great for me. With 8.1 and 8.2 my installation failed also. They also advice you to use 8.0, at least my provider does. Good luck and a clean install.
  5. Oeps please remove this topic, I did made a mistake in the ratings, Sorry !!!!
  6. Charlier

    New to phpVMS

    Hello everyone. Yesterday I installed the latest phpVMS for my website. i'm busy with setting things up and so far all is going just fine, as far i can notice. I made subfleets and added aircrafts to it, airports are implemented and now i'm working on the flights. There i come to my first problem, they don't show up on the flights page or the inbuild search engine, so they don't excist for the user. Type ratings, ranks, fleet and assignement are set. I did read something about a Core map but in phpVMS V7.0 I can't find a Core map, and i don't want to mess around in your hard work in those files. Is there any sollutions on low lvl of PhP knowledge here hihihi. I have Php version 8.0 installed on the server. MySQL is 5.7 Website is: http://www.klm-virtual.nl Thank you in advance. Leon
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