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    Cornfield, Iowa
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  1. i know this could be a long shot but is php-tags enabled? I had a similar problem that got resolved by turning them off.
  2. All of the file paths seem to be correct. I don't know why they won't show up.
  3. Ok Thanks. The styles come up now but now the images won't. I looked and the images folder is linked in the layout.tpl file
  4. i think I get what you are saying but what links am i supposed to be looking for?
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0pgvrtw10jj0805/Capture.PNG
  6. When I follow this and with get a template from that site, I edit all of the code like it says and then when I get it up on my website, it is just a whole bunch of scattered text. No images or anything. Just text
  7. is there a way where I can mark a topic as solved for my self?
  8. Where is the file to edit the acars map and it's size? Is it in the skin folder or somewhere else?
  9. This is an old post but i like the idea...
  10. I have had this error. Make sure you have the header.php in your lib/layout. If that does not work, i have had it where the SQL databases are corrupt and I have to reset the data base and reinstall.
  11. Hey phpvms! Having some issues with the Acars Map! Pilot Flight Number Departure Arrival Status Altitude Speed Distance/Time Remain flightpilotid - flightpilotname flightflightnum flightdepicao flightarricao flightphasedetail flightalt flightgs flightdistremaining nm / flighttimeremaining I made sure the ASP tags were off. Nothing i found on the forum that i found about this seemed to work for me. any ideas? Thanks!
  12. Contacted the host, I was missing the php.ini file or something like that. thanks!
  13. had the same problem. I had to remake the SQL database and re-enter my info into all of the PHPVMS installation screen. I had it again later on and I had to find the local.config.php and delete it. It will be created back when the installation is done though. You can find the file in the /core folder.
  14. I tried clearing the table on the SQL thing and i still can't log in. Sorry for waking a dead post
  15. Do i also have to change the setting in a file of some sort so it turns off phpvms default signature?
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