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Everything posted by Dom

  1. You can also copy the directory "kACARS_Free" to another part of DD, and allow the launch of the software twice and then steal Kacars VA for two at the same time with two different account. I fai regularly without any problems ;-))
  2. Dom

    Calculet to rank

    Good , thank you is very nice.
  3. Hello The grade (rank) is calculated on the hours you fly. And I wish that the calculation is made on the hour flights + hours transferred. What is the file that must be changed, please? Thank you in advance Dom
  4. Hello, thank you for your answers I try to change the pilot dataPHP for the signature, but I can not find the correct language to display the image of rank pilot. If you have an idea, tested. Thank you all for your answers Dom
  5. Hi No response this would mean that He commend it impossible to do? Dom
  6. Hello, to all I can not insert a picture of the rank of drivers in the signature. Can you tell me if this is possible or not? Thank you everybody Dom
  7. Hello, has all I don't not arrive to insert the picture of the ranks of the pilots in the signature , exist you him a means to achieve insertion of the picture of the ranks. Thank you for your help Dom
  8. Dom

    reset lastip

    Hello Is there a quick way to erase or reset the IP addresses of drivers (reset lastip). I would be interested of éxécuter every 24 hours, so to know the frequency of the visits of the pilots and admins. Thank you Dom
  9. Ok thank , I am going to study all it Dom
  10. Hi Do you think that it is possible to add a management of the aircraft in the future bases phpvms? For example, if a plane flight of KMIA Miami to KJFK Kenedy, that this same aircraft is obliged to leave for a new flight since Kenedy and only since this airport. Today, the PHPVMS base yours not account of this fact and yet if a aircraft to land on an airport, he/it can only to take off this same airport, except if there is evidently téléportation with Spock mister and capitain kurck in the cockpit and that the aircraft is called enterprise.
  11. Dom

    kACARS - Feedback

    Hi, Lorathon There is also an excellent question on your forum of FS-PRODUCT, of which the answer me interresse also. Can has you one moment to bring your opinion. Thank you Dom http://www.fs-products.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=48
  12. Dom

    Version en Français

    I sent to the address mail of FS-Product, the translate french file".xml" file is "francais.rar". Thank you to confirm me the good receipt. Bye good day Dom
  13. Dom

    Version en Français

    Hi Max Sim Rate : Ok understood Then just email the translation : Ok I transmit, I already sent has this mail of Fs-Product , but I transmit to new . Thank you has you for the excellent work that you achieve Run974.Dom My site web : www.ifr.webou.net
  14. Dom

    Version en Français

    Ok but , That you want to tell you by "MaxSim Rate", explain me please , or you more for me about that I understand for translated correct. and How does to make for you send the file "xml" , does have what address? By message forum I don't know how to join a file! Good day Dom
  15. Dom

    Version en Français

    Hello lorathon Is original softs KACARS Free , include new French language file (xml) modified for me ! Dom
  16. Bonjour , KACARSfree en Français , que j'ai traduit pour tous les pilotes francophones. Programme KACARS et fichier ".xml" disponible ici : cliquez moi Fichier "Français.xml" seul à copier dans le répertoire "lang" , ici : Francais.xml Si problème vous pouvez me contactez! Dom
  17. Hi I renew because NABEEL didn't answer I loving if it is possible added in the "pilot_public_profilec" a world map that will display the tracings of the flights done of the pilot already. Do you believe that it is possible to make it? I think that it will be a good idea for all VA Visitor is View a map of all the tracings of the flights done of the pilot already. Good day dom
  18. I loving if it is possible added in the "pilot_public_profilec" a world map that will display the tracings of the flights done of the pilot already. Do you believe that it is possible to make it? I think that it will be a good idea for all VA Visitor is View a map of all the tracings of the flights done of the pilot already. Good day dom
  19. Dom

    Create HUB

    Hello How to create some " hub" Thank you Dom
  20. Dom


    Salut Didier Je suis français , à l'ile de la reunion , et tu peux modifier tes tremplates avec microsoft frontpage , c'est assez simple à faire. Je peux t'envoyer un exemple si tu as une adresse mail Bonne modife et bon vol Dom
  21. Good evening, or hello I believe that I found my problem, Nabeel can you confirm to me that it is what I had to make, thank you Here it is that I modified : 1°) delete of the line" maxload" and delete of the column "maxload" of the SHEDULLES 2°) to create line "ranklevel" and "lastip" of the "pirep-pilots" 3°) to create line "ranklevel" of the "pirep-aircraft" Since all to the air to operate, display of the correct shedulles, correctly in the page of the research and in the admin! Was Nabeel well this the corrections that it was necessary to make? For past of the version 834 to the version 936? Sorry for the translation so bad, and my handicap, I am not very gifted in data processing computer , sorry! Thank you Bye bye Good day
  22. Hi No I don't have anything that is displayed. (Admin end shedulle search , shedulle results)
  23. Help me , version 935 Is Viewing Active Schedules empty, how to make for display, is necessary to you him to modify something in the data base? Thank you Dom
  24. Difficult translation and understanding, I don't understand what you want like newspapers. It is not serious, let like that I go unravel me as I can, can be to keep the version 854 that functions. Thank you!
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