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  1. I am now getting a 505 server page with this in the logs : [2024-06-27 04:23:16] production.ERROR: Attempt to read property "curr_airport_id" on array {"view":{"view":"/home/aussi915/crew.aussievirtual.com/modules/TopPilot/Resources/views/index.blade.php","data":[]},"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Exceptions\ViewException(code: 0): Attempt to read property "curr_airport_id" on array at /home/aussi915/crew.aussievirtual.com/modules/TopPilot/Resources/views/index.blade.php:561) [stacktrace] **update - if I commence a flight I can then access the toppilot. As soon as I land I get the 505 error. Be great to have this fixed and unsure on what's causing it and would love to use it** This only appears to work with older versions of PHPVMS7. Do not use with newer versions as you end up with 505 server errors. Have tried to speak with author to update but no response.
  2. Cannot move between tabs once installed. Shows data well on "Best flight time" tab but cannot select or move pages to the other 3.
  3. Welcome to Aussie Virtual! AussieVirtual www.aussievirtual.com Aussie Virtual was created in 2024 to bring together all flight enthusiasts, not only in Australia but all over the world. Aussie Virtual wanted to capture the Australian airline world as a whole not just one entity. Therefore, virtual pilots will be treated to a large variety of airlines and routes to choose from. Aussie Virtual aims to be a relaxed, professional and advanced Virtual Airline Hub for pilots across the globe. Join and experience all we have to offer! Choice from many Australian airlines and their partners including ambulance routes (RFDS). Thousands of routes to choose from. Free flights available so you can fly what you want and when. Flexible flying. Utilises the most up to date software.
  4. Php Version 7.0.0-dev+240407.8554a3 .csv files via VASchedules Database versions - MySQL Hi, I am having an issue with importing registrations via a .csv file. When I import the first picture bought from VASchedules into the fleet category I do not get my aircraft listed. (aircraft in subfleet menu is 0). I believe it is because it is missing the registration column. Therefore, I added a registration column and got the data from the downloaded phpsVMS3 .csv that also comes with VA Schedules. I copied and pasted this data as per the second picture hoping that it would then import them into the subfleets however no success. I have spoken to someone else, and it works on their end but maybe an earlier version of phpVMS7. I can make a filtered version for each aircraft category, go into manage aircraft and import the registrations in there but is a lot of work for each aircraft type. Have I added the column in the wrong place, is it now a different type of field I am not aware of, or does the latest version not cater for this data anymore? Any help would be appreciated. I
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