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  1. Yeah, it's GoDaddy. I have access to 8.0 and 8.1, but again, due to logistical issues, I'm not considering phpvms v7; only as an emergency would I use it.
  2. PHP 7.3 causes issues with installs. See attached images. I already have hosting and do not really want to pursue a VPS. My thing is I'm not a software guy, nor do I have anyone that is, so controlling that is well beyond my comprehension. My issue with v7 is the whole subfleet thing. It's great if you're simulating one airline, which I sadly am not. Not to mention all of my schedules (about 17 airlines worth), are currently formatted for v5. In addition, the lack of SmartCARS support is a complete deal breaker. However, if I can get v7 to cooperate for me, I 100% plan on using the disposable theme.
  3. I know the readme.md says that it installs on PHP7.2, and may install on PHP7.0 or 7.1, but what if my only PHP options are 5.6 or 7.3? The readme says it won't work on 7.3+, but are there any plans on actually making it compatible?
  4. Hey all, so I'm working on lots of schedules for my VA, and there are a few airlines, Polar Air Cargo for example, that fly both their own routes and routes for DHL. I'd ideally want to inform the pilots through smartCARS that that flight is operated by Polar for DHL by adding in "opb Polar Air Cargo for DHL", but if I drop that into the notes column, it only shows up on the website, which most of our pilots don't use. I could add it into the Route column, but that's only gonna get deleted if someone drops a route in. Is there a way to push the Notes column into the comments field, or at least have it notify the pilot in smartCARS?
  5. EDIT I tried everything and it's still hanging...
  6. Hey all. I know this topic is talked about to death, but the server can't fetch airport info. I really don't want to have to do this manually because I have almost 792 schedules with somewhere around 450 unique airports. Is there a server that's up that allows finding the airport info? Thanks
  7. Example: United Pilots that are qualified to fly the 747 can fly Lufthansa's because of the alliance.
  8. Okay, so two months later, and I'm still inputting each individual flight by hand. Isn't there a faster way to just at least get it into a workable spreadsheet? Alessandro's link did not work for me.
  9. So, I'm trying to convert some schedules from a PDF to input into the .csv. What does everyone use to create a workable excel document? I'm using the US Airways schedule, if that helps. Michael Erdelyi
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