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Posts posted by ARV187

  1. Error 500 is solved, but I still having issues with skins and only options in admin page are Profile fields and About phpvms

    Hi there,

    There was a php.ini file in your public_html folder which was not configured for 5.5 PHP, I have removed it and now the error is solved.

    Please let us know if there is anything further we can do for you.

    Best Regards


  2. Hi, i have doubt about the fuel cost, in phpvms default cost is:

    Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '0.35');

    I find in iata this:


    Then are 1.545 USD per Gal

    1gal = 8.34 lbs

    Then 1.545USD/8.34lbs = 0,185USD per lb.

    Im right?

    How you calculate the fuel price and ticket price?

  3. I did a progress, now try load the load.php, but now its named traffictable.php

    In frontpage_main.tpl i wrote this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
     $("#traffictable").load('lib/skins/templatemo_254_agency/traffictable.php?randval='+ Math.random());
    }, 9000);
    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

    But i have a error: Fatal error: Class 'ACARSData' not found in /home/argavirt/public_html/lib/skins/templatemo_254_agency/traffictable.php on line 17

    line 17 is: $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();

    This is the content in traffictable.php:

    <table width="100%" border="5" bgcolor="#000000">
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Estado </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Número de vuelo </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Aerolínea </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Salida----> </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>---->Llegada </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Piloto </td>
    <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><strong>Avión </td>
    $results = ACARSData::GetACARSData();
    if (count($results) > 0)
    foreach ($results as $flight)
     if ($flight->client == 'FSACARS')
    	 $plane = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($flight->aircraft);
     } else
    	 $plane = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($flight->aircraft);
    			 <td align="center">

    Solved!! http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6261-auto-refresh-flight-boardsolved/page__hl__refresh

  4. I see this with firebug in http://argavirtual.com/index.php/schedules/view can anyone say me if this is the problem and how fix it?

    1. TypeError: $(...).ajaxForm is not a function


    Line 26

    2. ReferenceError: Ez is not defined

    ...a.Cj){var b=null;P.A().dh&&(b=az(a.Ba));a.Cj=new Ez(a.Aa(),a.wa,a.Yo,B)}return a...

    id.html (línea 923, col 264)

    3. NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS: Component returned failure code: 0x804b000f (NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) [nsICacheEntry.dataSize]

    netCacheReader.js (línea 294)


    4. NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS: Component returned failure code: 0x804b000f (NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) [nsICacheEntry.dataSize]

    netCacheReader.js (línea 270)


  5. is a html Tag. In a js file you only put the Script code without the Tags. You cant put any html Tags in a js file.

    Thanks that was useful!! But i return to initial issue.

    I used this page http://www.nullskull...es/20060517.asp to convert html code to js code.

    This is the result:

    document.writeln('<script src="\/cookies_permisos\/cookieControl-6.2.min.js" type="text\/javascript"><\/script>\n <script type="text\/javascript">\/\/<![CDATA[\n	 cookieControl({\n		 t: {\n			 title: \'<ul><li>Este sitio usa cookies para guardar información en tu ordenador.<\/li><li>This site uses cookies to store information on your computer.<\/li><\/ul>\',\n			 intro: \'<ul><li>Algunas de estás cookies son esenciales para hacer funcionar correctamente nuestro sitio y nos ayuda a mejorarlo dandonos información de como se usa el sitio. Por favor lee este apartado:<span class="ccc-settings"> <a href="http:\/\/argavirtual.com\/cookies_permisos\/mas-informacion.html" target="_blank">Más información (Español).<\/a> <p>Al Usar nuestro sitio tu aceptas los terminos de nuestra <a href="http:\/\/argavirtual.com\/cookies_permisos\/politica.html" target="_blank"> Política de privacidad<\/a>.<\/span><\/li><p><li>Some of these cookies are essential to make our site work and others help us to improve by giving us some insight into how the site is being used. <br \/><p>These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking some simple links.<\/p><p>We also use some non-essential cookies to anonymously track visitors or enhance your experience of this site. If you\\\'re not happy with this, we won\\\'t set these cookies but some nice features on the site may be unavailable.<\/p>To control third party cookies, you can also <span class="ccc-settings">adjust <a href="http:\/\/www.allaboutcookies.org\/manage-cookies\/" target="_blank">your browser settings.<\/a> <P><p>By using our site you accept the terms of our <a href="http:\/\/argavirtual.com\/cookies_permisos\/politica.html">Privacy Policy<\/a>.<\/p><\/span><\/li><\/ul>\',\n			 full:\'<p><span class="ccc-settings"> <\/span><\/p><p>.<\/p>\'\n		 },\n		 position:CookieControl.POS_LEFT,\n		 style:CookieControl.STYLE_TRIANGLE,\n		 theme:CookieControl.THEME_LIGHT, \/\/ light or dark\n		 startOpen:true,\n		 autoHide:60000,\n		 subdomains:true,\n		 protectedCookies: [], \/\/ list the cookies you do not want deleted, for example [\'analytics\', \'twitter\']\n		 apiKey: \'7a2f596d80da6ca9f001262f0aaded3f31e3c253\',\n		 product: CookieControl.PROD_FREE,\n		 consentModel: CookieControl.MODEL_EXPLICIT,\n		 onAccept:function(){ccAddAnalytics()},\n		 onReady:function(){},\n		 onCookiesAllowed:function(){ccAddAnalytics()},\n		 onCookiesNotAllowed:function(){}\n		 });\n \n		 function ccAddAnalytics() {\n		 jQuery.getScript("http:\/\/www.google-analytics.com\/ga.js", function() {\n			 var GATracker = _gat._createTracker(\'UA-31283679-5\');\n			 GATracker._trackPageview();\n		 });\n		 }\n	 \/\/]]>\n <\/script>');

    Now cookie control work, but have the initial problem, in /schedules/view not its showed as normaly: post-5667-0-92526900-1411123599_thumb.jpg (normal view)

    With code its showed bad and show "No route passed" in bid action:

    post-5667-0-33681500-1411123698_thumb.jpg (bad view)

  6. I see you are using script Tags in a js file. That doesnt work. In a js file you cant use script Tags. They are giving The Syntax error.

    Yes, i did that they said me, create a .js file with the code. The code its created to insert in a page, not a js file. I dont know about js tags.

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