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Imanol last won the day on September 9 2024

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    Salta, Argentina

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  1. @ProAvia this is what I have PHPVMS 7 cPanel
  2. Hi @ProAvia I added that line in Cronjobs. I don't know how to set the web cron.
  3. Hello, I have already set a cron job in my cPanel and configured 60 days as period of inactivity. However, pilot states are not changing. This is what I have in settings: Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi @DisposableHero, I really apreaciate your help. I could split awards into groups using this code: @if(str_contains($award->ref_model, 'Modules\Awards\Awards\PilotHoursAwards')) Thus I just have to change the award type in order to show all the awards which belong to the same category. Kind regards!
  5. Hi @DisposableHero! I understand how award classes works but I don't know how to set them to be shown up in these two groups. I've edited the default skin but awards are show all together. This is the code of my profile/index.blade.php <h3 class="titles">Premios</h3> <hr> @if($user->awards) <div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-md-4 row-cols-lg-6"> @foreach($user->awards as $award) <div class="col"> <div class="card mb-2"> <img class="img-mh150" src="{{ $award->image_url }}" alt="{{ $award->name }}" title="{{ $award->description }}"> </div> </div> @endforeach </div> @endif <br><br> @endsection
  6. Hello, I would like to create two type of awards: Medals, given to pilots when they reach a certain number of flight hours and PIREPs, and events awards, manually given to pilots when they participate in a event. I need to show up theses awards in pilot profile divided into to groups: Medals and Events. Is there any piece of code I could use to do it? Thanks in advance.
  7. I appreciate it. Happy Holidays!
  8. Hi @DisposableHero! I modified the original code to show awards into a Bootstrap grid. I need two of this rows, one for hours/pireps awards and the other one for awards in general, but I don't know how to edit the foreach. Thanks. {{-- Show the user's award if they have any --}} @if (Auth::user()->awards) <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> @foreach(Auth::user()->awards->chunk(3) as $awards) <div class="row"> @foreach($awards as $award) <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="header header-primary text-center"> @if ($award->image_url) <div class="photo-container"> <img class="img-fluid" src="{{ $award->image_url }}" alt="{{ $award->description }}"> </div> @endif </div> </div> @endforeach </div> <div class="clearfix" style="height: 20px;"></div> @endforeach
  9. Hello, Is it possible to group awards into two classes on the pilot profile page? One for the number of hours and reportes flights and another for awards in general. Thnkas in advance.
  10. Hi @DisposableHero, I have done some tests but {{ __('common.profile') }} is not working either. However, I solved this creating a module per section. Thanks for your help!
  11. Hi @DisposableHero. Thanks for your reply. For "custom page" I mean those you can add from admin panel through the option config -> pages/links. By the way, I could fix the issue with the tags like {{ $user->name }} modyfing them to {{Auth::user()->name}}.
  12. Hello, I built my own skin using Bootstrap but I'm having some issues using the PHP and language tags. I want the user's name to appear in the navbar header when they log in. I placed the tag {{ $user->name }} but it only works in templates that already come default with PHPVMS 7, for example with home, dashboard, etc. When I open one of the custom pages I have a 500 error. On the other hand, language tags also don't work when I insert them into a custom page. For example: @lang('common.profile'), does not appear rendered as "Perfil" ("Profile" in Spanish) but instead appears directly as "@lang('common.profile')". Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks! I will give it a try!
  14. Hello! I'm setting up phpVMS 7 for my virtual airline and I'm also editting some templates. I need the flight search results to show the days which each flight is operated. Is there any piece of code to do so? Thanks in advance.
  15. I deleted the no conflict script it had and now the map works perfectely. Thank you!
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