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Posts posted by Tato123

  1. Hi Nabeel, thank's for your answer, i can't install.. i try but the process not go on and if i copy the file under the last installation, i can't navigate. This after the last update

  2. Hi !

    I have just create a module called Donazioni with the shell command.

    Now i have the structure and in the admin pannel i see under Addons the name Donazioni.

    When i click into Donazioni, the web site return:

    Page Not Found

    Well, this is embarrassing, the page you requested does not exist. Click here to go back to the home page.


    How is possible have a white page in admin pannel?




  3. Hi,

    i'have a problem with the order

    my code

     public static function getscheddep() {
        $sql = "SELECT *
     FROM phpvms_schedules
     ORDER BY arrtime + 0 ASC";
     return DB::get_results($sql);

    The system order only the hours and not the minute.

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks and happy new year at all

  4. Hi, my code is

    $query = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_schedules ORDER BY arrtime + 0 ASC";
    $list = DB::get_results($query);
    echo '<h3>Arrivi</h3><br/>';
    echo '<table class="full-online-table" id="online_table">';
    echo '<colgroup>';
    echo '<col class="col1" />';
    echo '<col class="col2" />';
    echo '<col class="col3" />';
    echo '<col class="col4" />';
    echo '<col class="col5" />';
    echo '<col class="col6" />';
    echo '</colgroup>';
    echo '<thead>';
    echo '<tr><th>Partenza</th><th>Arrivo</th><th>Orario</th><th>Aereo</th><th>Volo N</th><th>Stato</th></tr>';
    echo '</thead>';
    $count = 0;
    foreach($list as $flight)
        if(($flight->arrtime + 0) > date('G:i'))
    		    if($count < 5)
    				    $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($flight->aircraft);
      echo '<tbody><tr lang="0">';
      echo '<colgroup>';
    echo '<col class="col1" />';
    echo '<col class="col2" />';
    echo '<col class="col3" />';
    echo '<col class="col4" />';
    echo '<col class="col5" />';
    echo '<col class="col6" />';
    echo '</colgroup>';
     echo '<td><div class="cfx"><span>'.$flight->depicao.'</span></div></td><td><div class="cfx"><span>'.$flight->arricao.'</span></div></td><td><div class="cfx"><span>'.$flight->arrtime.'</span></div></td><td><div class="cfx"><span>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</span></div></td><td><div class="cfx"><span>'.$flight->flightnum.'</span></div></td>';
    				    echo '<td><div class="cfx"><span>';
    				    if(($flight->arrtime - date('G:i')) <= 1)
    						    echo 'In Arrivo';
    						    echo 'In Volo';
    				    echo '</span></div></td></tr></tbody>';
    echo '</table>';

  5. Warning: mysql_query(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /web/htdocs/www.virtualiroma.it/home/newvar/core/modules/Scenery/Scenery.php on line 16 Warning: mysql_query(): A link to the server could not be established in /web/htdocs/www.virtualiroma.it/home/newvar/core/modules/Scenery/Scenery.php on line 16 Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /web/htdocs/www.virtualiroma.it/home/newvar/core/modules/Scenery/Scenery.php on line 17

    Any Suggestion?

  6. Hello ,

    Virtualiroma Airlines announces the publication of the new site with Bootstrap . New graphics , new features for the pleasure of the virtual flight .

    The English site still has some translation error but I would say that is usable .

    Although the company is Italian , we expect numerous inscriptions .

    We fly on IVAO is that Vatsim and recruit staff for the international section .

    In addition, a fee of Repainter try for about a dozen planes

    For info : info@virtualiroma.it

    Website : www.virtualiroma.it

    • Like 1
  7. Hello,

    with the release 5.5 the ranks are calculated with the totalhours

    is possible calculate the ranks by totalhours + transferhours?

    If i put on Dbase the number of totalhours + transferhours when recalculate the ranks the system put only the totalhours


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