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  1. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    i have redirect the xampp to my folder phpvms in httpd.conf DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms"
  2. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    SOLVED i have change the redirect
  3. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    i try on xampp, not online, and with the old version work, only with the last version i have problem
  4. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    yes, i have the last versions but when i try to install the installation proces don't start if i click the button, but i return in the root of my web site
  5. i can't install.. i try but the process not go on and if i copy the file under the last installation, i can't navigate. This after the last update
  6. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    Hi Nabeel, thank's for your answer, i can't install.. i try but the process not go on and if i copy the file under the last installation, i can't navigate. This after the last update
  7. Tato123

    Addon Modules

    Hi ! I have just create a module called Donazioni with the shell command. Now i have the structure and in the admin pannel i see under Addons the name Donazioni. When i click into Donazioni, the web site return: Page Not Found Well, this is embarrassing, the page you requested does not exist. Click here to go back to the home page. How is possible have a white page in admin pannel? Thanks Donazioni.zip
  8. I have this error. error converting value (null) to type "System.Int32' Path data.rank.subfleets (0) aircraft (0) zfw line 1 position 870 can yuo help me? Tnx
  9. hi to all ! i have some problem to export pirep in vacentral FAILED exporting PIREP #5812 - No response from API server any idea?
  10. Template,  HI mate any chance of your template, Many thanks

  11. Oh yeah ... very similar at my site.... www.virtualiroma.it Free template ... for all people.. PM me
  12. Tato123

    kACARS Free v1.0.1.4

    In the line $version = ''; // kACARS_Free Version Must set $version = ''; // kACARS_Free Version
  13. Tato123

    kACARS Free v1.0.1.4

    This new Kacars working also FSX and FS2004 or only for Prepar3d v4?
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