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Everything posted by md82

  1. ok I've got it figured out now. thanks !
  2. yes every route in the the real world allegiant air schedule is in that xls.
  3. I'm asking for some tips on how to schedule my fleet with the routes. The timetable xls gives me for example: departure icao, arrival icao, flight number, dep time, arr time, type of aircraft, and frequency flown. I have 46 allegiant md-80 tail numbers in my fleet, allegiant flys 244 routes a week to 71 destinations, and has 10 hubs or focus cities. I need some strategy on how to schedule my planes to fly to multiple legs before making their way back to their origin, because I don't have enough planes to fly the outbound and return leg for every airport. hopefully that made more sense, this is one of the only things holding us back right now. thanks ! trev m.
  4. Hey guys ! I have a current Allegiant Air timetable and I'm having trouble scheduling 46 tail numbers amongst 244 routes. It feels like I don't have enough planes to route every plane to and from each hub. I need help looping tail numbers because all the flights are at different times of day and different days of the week and I always run out of planes before I can complete the schedule. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! thanks trev m.
  5. thanks simpilot and saapilot !
  6. Ok gotcha - two pilots can file pireps for a flight and the plane will still be positioned correctly. But what I'm wondering is if it would be compatible with the flight bidding system. My current understanding is that once a pilot bids on a flight in the schedule, that plane and the route is reserved to that pilot, and disappears from the schedule until the leg is completed or the bid expires. So I want to make it so that 2 pilots have to bid on that same route and both can reserve it before it dissapears from the schedule.. thanks for the fast response ! trev m.
  7. hey simpilot, I sent you a pm before I saw your signature saying you dont respond to them- sorry for the inconvenience, here's my inquiry: I'm setting up my virtual airline website right now to support multicrew (shared cockpit) functions. I would like to set it up so that two pilots have to reserve the same flight bid before it removes from the database. So that the two pilots who flew, can both log the flight in their log books, and that the plane they used would still be positioned correctly. Do you know what code could I add to the config file ? If you could help it would do wonders for my va. thanks trev m
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