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Posts posted by shaun105

  1. Hi All I m having a problem with the screenshot mod. I have placed all the files correctly. I upload a screenshot which is accepted and then I go to validate, it then tells me there is "no screen shot to validate" Have I missed something?

    Look forward to any support on this.

  2. You can add all the backgrounds you would like in the signatures/backgrounds/ folder and when the pilot goes to edit their profile there will be a dropdown with all the background file names to chose from.


    Many thanks for that Sim Pilot.

  3. Hi

    I have placed the coding in for showing the charts. All Irish charts such as EIDW-EINN-EICK work fine. However I have tried EGLL once you click on the placement image it transfers back to the pilot briefing. Could someone give me a few pointers regarding this please code below. As you can see I am using Gif format

    <h3>Procedures and Information</h3>
    <table width="98%" align="center">
           <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF;">
                   <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->depicao?></td>
                   <td>Charts for <?php echo $schedule->arricao?></td>
           <tr align="center">
                   <td width="50%" valign="top">
                           <a href="<?php $data = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); echo $data->chartlink; ?>" target="_blank">
                           <img border="0" src="http://www.aerlingus-virtual.net/images/charts/<?php echo $schedule->depicao?>.gif"
                                   width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /></a><br>
                           <a href="<?php $data = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($schedule->depicao); echo $data->vacc; ?>" target="_blank">Local VACC</a> 
                   <td width="50%" valign="top">
                           <a href="<?php $data = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($schedule->arricao); echo $data->chartlink; ?>" target="_blank">
                           <img border="0" src="http://www.aerlingus-virtual.net/images/charts/<?php echo $schedule->arricao?>.gif" 
                                   width="387px" height="594px" alt="No chart available" /></a><br>
                                   <a href="<?php $data = OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($schedule->arricao); echo $data->vacc; ?>" target="_blank">Local VACC</a> 

  4. You know what guys you are right in some respects, I thought that paid service was a forum just for that, not to jump on the band wagon to the defence of Nabeel. I have now taken it down due to the apparent "lack of respect" shown. Apologies to Nabeel and to anyone else this may of offended, however I am sure I have seen other companies offering something nearer the same within this forum. Anyway their you go, it was a meer alternative that's all. Point to note I didn't get asked to take it down off admin.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi

    I have just had a new skin for my site, however i need to place a link to /pilots

    When i do this the link doesnt work, someone told me i may have to enable the page so people can see it as it may have been locked. I have checked and double checked my coding and it is right i have had another guy check it and he says its right. its just not making an active link can anyone help as if i had any i would be tearing my hair out.

    Thanks for that however I took a look while on a works system using internet explorer and low and behold the links work! how funny is that!

  6. Hi

    I have just had a new skin for my site, however i need to place a link to /pilots

    When i do this the link doesnt work, someone told me i may have to enable the page so people can see it as it may have been locked. I have checked and double checked my coding and it is right i have had another guy check it and he says its right. its just not making an active link can anyone help as if i had any i would be tearing my hair out.

  7. You know, I do not want to hijack a thread here, but I have the same issue and I was holding my tongue and not saying anything. I do NOT believe this is related to the real schedule module.

    I had a pilot the other day that has admin access, tell me that he went to add a couple of airports in the airports list and they were all ready there. I knew for a fact that I never added them. He did a free flight and filed a pirep for them 2 airports prior to going in admin to add the airports.

    Strange I know, but it is what it is. So yeah like I said, I do not think it has a thing to do with the module. I am not ready to call it a bug yet until it happens again and I can confirm it with my own eyes.

    Yeah very strange, my Routes manager has been with me for years and he is the only one with access to them apart from myself. I became apparent when the route was showing a helicopter port. Did you manage to delete them from the DB, I did thought it was the end of the matter then all three of them reappeared again. What where the routes that appears for you? I believe the member in question to be be using FSACARS. The route manager is using the default routing system. Can any more light be shed on this.

  8. She will only get the one email warning of her retirement, and yes she will need an account to access the system, as she is now retired nothing else needs to be done, she will continue to be able to login and perform admin functions as normal.

    Thats great thanks

  9. Great thanks guys, so an admin who doesnt fly does not need a pilot account?

    @Nabeel I have a girl who just does admin (not flying), We originally set her up with a pilot account so she can access her admin panel. So this begs the question now, that to still access her admin panel and carry out admin duties with her permissions, does she really need a pilots account.

    As mark has said she can still access her account even though retired. If it turns out she does require an account then she will continue to get emails warning her to fly or she will be deleted.


  10. Hi There,

    Great module got in on the aerlingus-virtual.net site looking good.

    Since installing it myself and my route manager have noticed strange routes appearing, we have watched this and traced it down to routes being flown by a member on the IVAO system (World Tour) Anyone tell me if there is a setting i am missing or is there a problem. Its pretty weird as they are writing themselves to the database.

    Help would be much appreciated.

  11. I have a member of staff who is purely admin and does not fly. Is there a way apart from them filing a false PIREP, to stop the notification email being sent and the system to not recognise they have not done a flight without impacting on the rest of the members? I have had a search and could not find anything. Thanks in advance

  12. Look in you local config, if not, copy the setting from your app.config to teh local config file :)

    Thanks Mark I've got it now,

    I actually did a search nothing came up nice to see there are people willing to help.

  13. Good news is you can do all three now.

    1. That code is commented out. All you need to do is uncomment it and your good to go. ( I'm not at home or I'll give you the exact code)

    2. In the app.config you can find the code that will allow you to pick who gets new pilots and new PIREP notices. Just copy that code to your config file.

    3. There is an Airmail addon in the "Addon and Releases" forum which will do just that thing.

    Excellent cheers Keith.

    Can you PM me when you have a convenient time to point me to the location of the code.

    Thanks again

  14. Seeing this is the place for requests I thought I would add a couple of my own. Being new i am not to sure if they have been requested before but here goes....

    * Award images seen on Pilots Centre

    * Option for more than one email address on notifications to admins

    * A personal notification window to message individual pilots or groups. I see this is possible on accepting Pireps. Would be good if a pilot logs on into the Pilot centre and see's it.

    (Somthing like a NOTAM system)

    Overall a superb system though and I look forward to Aer Lingus Virtual members using it, they are excited about the move which will be happening around July.

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