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  1. you are welcome i'm glad to be able to improve this project.
  2. .../core/templates/schedule_results.tpl line 85, right before last else
  3. at last I've figured out true nature of that parse error. in fact there is no need to comment string 102 (at least it is 102 in v808) which has only }. Problem has been caused by Nabeel's beloved short php at string 85 - it was <?, instead of <?php . I have changed that and template started to work fine. I found this error as I started to search why I can't get "add to bid" for schedules - that was second cause of this error
  4. mostly it is split() there was call_user_method_array() couple of times but now I cant find a page where it was, or maybe this warning has gone after upgrade to 808
  5. Ok, will try to explain again, slowly I mean, that would be nice if database could hold more questions assigned to an exam than it will be shown. lets say PPL exam would have 80 questions assigned to it, but during exam only 20 will be choosen by random question generator. in such situation everyone who will sit exam will get different questions set each time. as an example in our CAA we have 40-80 questions per exam depending on licence type and subject. but database holds about 150-200 questions per each exam in average. Time assigned to pass an exam also depends on licence type and subject. Navigation is longest as far as I know.
  6. and continued 6. database of question could be more wider, lets say 100 questions, but only selected qty could be shown on exam, lets say 20. questions could be drawn from database by random order.
  7. nice addon. i was dreaming about something like this. works fine for me on beta 808 release. What functionality I would like to see in future for this module (mostly based on real CAA exams which I'm passing often enough): 1. questions should be shown one by one 2. posibility to skip question. skipped question would be shown again after last question. 3. button/function Back and Refresh should be disabled. 4. time limitation with countdown timer show. time left to the end of exam should be stored on server or better say time of end of exam. countdown timer should get data from server on each submition. 5. relation of exams with type ratings (unfortunately type raitings are not implemented in vms yet..). let say if you have passed PPL, you can fly SEP only, after passing CPL - MEP, ATPL - Turboprop and so on.
  8. correction - I've just commented like this <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ /* } */ ?> that helped me to rid of parse error and I got schedules working back, have no idea what and why has happened. maybe reason is what I have moved site from linux to windows xp based server with WAMP server, where php 5.3.0 is used, while phpvms is designed for older version of php. I'm also geting deprecated warnings for some functions like split() and etc..
  9. in addition same error has been found after update to beta 808 and additionaly in other templates - downloads_overview.tpl groups_grouplist.tpl ops_schedules.tpl and two header.tpl (one from lib/layout, other from lin/layout_dark) Nabeel, you should consider takings some short vacation
  10. hi updating from 700 to 808 makes double quotes for all strings at local.config.php like this: Config::Set(''PAGE_ENCODING'', ''ISO-8859-1'');
  11. not sure was it mentioned here, but have found not major error in admins template core_navigation.tpl all code lines for images has same error - <?echo instead of <?php echo That is in full distribution only, revision 700. AFAIK that was last "stable" release.
  12. I've got the same error. solved it just by removing last section of php code in template <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ } ?> but error definitely is not here as this way cycle foreach closes not in template but somwhere else.
  13. Is there any limitation for requests per month? Some notices/recomendations/requests : - submited flight which is not approved yet shouldn't be included into any of reports. now I see it's data on financial report. - would like to have abbility to set pirep system to kind of "auto approve" state for all incoming, or selected by pilot's rank pireps. - custom flights, lets call tham "private", are accepted by the system but are not shown on system. not exactly all system - I can see that pireps listed for approval, can see in recent pireps list for next 48 hours, can see listed on "home" page, but can't see when looking specific pilot's reports, and can't see in All pireps list at admin's panel. custom flights - flights from/to airport/airfield which is not included into system, and/or there is no schedule for such flight, and/or there is no such aircraft in the system. Actualy haven't tested all the combinations, but no airports and no schedule has been tested and it is as I have described above. - would be good to have some extra fees category - per airport. I think it even should be stored in airports table. I would like to add such a fees like landing fee, catering fee, gate fee and so on. but that will lead to much more sphisticated functionalities as landing fee normaly is calculated by aircraft mass range, catering is calculated by pax count (thats more easy), and so on ok, thats all for this morning
  14. done
  15. after reseting VA finances only incomes are recalculated, but fuel expenses are set to 0, not recalculated acording to fuel prices preset at airports.
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