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Everything posted by Kimis

  1. better now. result is "Airport not found, only US airports allowedOK" so it is left to get rid of that "Airport not found, only US airports allowed" and have "OK" only
  2. it is last update - 1.2.661
  3. yes, still giving. maybe it is posible to make pirep script no to output that warning messages and "US only" text. after that goes "OK" and pireps are coming to database. but as FSacars program gets so much error messages before that OK, it doesnt recognize that.
  4. that is not only problem since last update. Our VA can't submit fsacars pireps at all after I updated system. I heve found this in fsacars's "sendlogreport.html" file: Airport not found, only US airports allowed Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: 1 in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/auksopie/public_html/lva/phpvms/core/common/FuelData.class.php on line 129
  5. And I'm not sure, but I can't find financial report for each flight separately. only overall report for VA during month/year/period. I think financial report for each flight would be usefull
  6. one more idea/request - would be reasonable to implement type ratings - SEP, MEP, JET and so on. they should be configurable and related to aircrafts database - if pilot has rating for SEP les than 5000 lbs MTOW, then he should be able to fly cessna's or piper cubs only
  7. actualy nice to hear that you are planing to implement data connection with other CMS systems, if I understood your message right. I already was thinking about porting of your code to use it on Jumla or any other CMS. Most of VAs are using well developed web pages and it is big problem to switch to phpVMC. My suggestions for future would be: - VA should have limited ammount of aircrafts - pilot and aircraft locantion should be changed after flight - pilot should be able to choose only flights wich are from current his location and shoud be able to fly aircraft wich is located in same location. - random or some AI-economy model based generation of PAX and cargo qty. I had more ideas but forgot them now but sure will post later. as posibilities of phpVMS are growing and pirep systems are limited with functionality, I gues we will need to improove this part. I'm even thinking about posibility to write own module for FSacars as I'm doubt to see FSAcars v5 soon. I'm looking for pilot's job quality control features and hope some day phpVMS will have such ones. phpVMS is implementig features which I searched long time and wanted to program by myself. Good luck to you.
  8. It is quite strange, Nabeel, that you don't know what you have created Look. To get flight plan from VA site, fsacars.php script is called with argument "flightplans" - FPSite=http://yoursiteaddress/phpvms/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/flightplans (can be without /phpvms/ if you use root for engine. But if you would look to fsacars.php, you wouldn't found such action. You can find only 'acars', 'schedules', 'status' and 'pirep' here. So downloading FP from VA is not implemented in current version at all, while VA configuration file has string for it.
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