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  1. got it to install
  2. its just a name i came up with. plus it has meaning to me
  3. Hello phpVMS users, I am starting a new Virtual Airlines and I need staff to help with maintaining the VA and recuriting new pilots. I am also looking for active pilots. My VA's Website is http://www.springsairairlines.com , i am currently skinning the site. If your interseted in a staff position please leave me a message here with your name and a way to get ahold of you. Kristopher SPA0001
  4. I am looking for well qualified administrators to help run a VA. Requirements 1. Must have a understanding of general VA operations *Update I am hiring for all positions Pilot Pilot Trainier Administration(see above) Website programer/dev.(also see above) If interested please leave an email at kristopherwasserman6@msn.com Will notify through PM once applcation has been looked at Thanks for LOOKing
  5. Hi All SpringsAir Airlines is Currently Looking for pilots and ATC. Here is some Information about SpringsAir Airlines and what we have to offer. SpringsAir Info Custom Desgin Website Teamspeak 3 Server Many mods thanks to Some People(sorry can't remeber) a ded server. Nice Admin Staff If you are interseted in joining please vist our website at www.springsairairlines.com Thanks For Looking Kristopher R Wasserman Founder of SpringsAir Airlines
  6. Nice Mod!!!! for those who having problems just look in the folder after you download it and put them in the folder on your website root. really easy to install and set is easy too
  7. Currently Looking For Pilots and ATC

  8. i had just fixed it sorry about that
  9. SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for the following positions Website Designer(Must know php and html and css) Fleet Repainter( Already have design) http://www.job.springsairairlines.com click the link to APPLY Thanks for looking........
  10. CableGuy please check your email the send email address is norelpy@springsairairlines.com OK
  11. SpringsAir Airlines is hiring for a web design coder. Musts: have experience have proof of work applied at http://www.job.springsairairlines.com As far as the operational aspect We are currently rebuilding our website system to include some new things. like: Automatic teamspeak registration New Website skin Dafsim and much much more. Grand Reopeaning is TBA. Current Stage: Building Stage
  12. I am woundering if there is a way for new pilots to be automatically registered on my ts. if so what is the code to do that. i am just starting on how to php code.
  13. i get this error message on my website, "/home/coolkid8/public_html/springsairairlines.com//core/templates/login_passwordreset.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/coolkid8/public_html/springsairairlines.com/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 206 how do i fix this
  14. What is THE SERVICES FOR? THE phpvms key? i am jsut as confused.
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