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Everything posted by Coolkid122

  1. Check this Out http://www.springsairairlines.com
  2. is there anyway to get the skin form the tutorial i like it.
  3. i finally figure it out which is a good thing
  4. i got it to work. http://www.new.springsairairlines.com Feed Back Please
  5. hey Nebeeil it would be asome if we could have a downloads page for our websites. for our fleet.
  6. a website that i can use for tpl templates.
  7. is there a code that i am supose to enter? for the Schedules to how or what?
  8. Sound Great.
  9. i want to make the colors change on my live map for when the pilots fly. is there anything i have to do . if so what and where is this code that i am supposed to use example:climbing=Green,Decending=yellow, cruising=blue, on the ground=red.
  10. that is the easist way to learn i do it adter a while. if you need help just pm me
  11. SpringsAir Airlines - http://www.new.springsairairlines.com
  12. i am in the need for a website builder that is fimluar to phpvms. if interseted please email me at kristopherwasserman6@msn.com and please put in the subject phpvms thanks
  13. ?
  14. like this http://www.monarchvirtual.com
  15. what i mean is like in a page with a schedules tab
  16. Coolkid122


    how do you get the schudules to show up in a page with everything to show. i am just using the defualt skin. can you please help
  17. nice too see you by the way i fiqured it out ps my website server is DOWN so you can't see the changes
  18. ok i already got the template done still not showing
  19. can i change the login info like Field=email tro pilot id
  20. ok if you look at my site(Currently building) you see what i am trying to do i am not really good at makeing skins.what i need help in is learning how to skin this.so that i know how to
  21. here is my site. i still don't understand. www.springsairairlines.com if you can show me how to do this i use teamviewer my id is 47 189 590 my pass is coolkid if you can help please
  22. still don't understand i replaced div with myone and even more confused
  23. i am a New person to this and i don't know hoe to do this skinning thing and i did reaf the tutorial and didn't understand. so if anyone that knows how to can skinn one for me please also teach me on how to do it. thanks
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