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Everything posted by Coolkid122

  1. I have Something to say: First Off Sorry to Wayne And AirEast for what My Webmaster Did. It Will not Happen Again. Second I didn't mean for that To Happen at all. all I wanted to do is look at it and maybe get an idea in my head on how I want My Site To Look Like. I am not Copying Anyone's Site just Graping Ideas form Them for My OWN LOOK. Wayne I did do What You Ask in the Pm that You Sent Me.That particular thing is no longer on my site and My webmaster is no longer working on my site or My Virtual Airlines . but all in all I AM REALLY SORRY TO WAYNE AND AIREAST. I hope you will take my Apologize. Wayne Please Post A Reply If you Do accept My Apologize Signed by, Kristopher R Wasserman Coolkid122 SpringsAir Founder and CEO
  2. i just did this without having to look on tuts. i am still working on it
  3. I have a question: i want to know how do your create flash images. there are a cuople of things i want to Fash on my website
  4. i pull stuff from different websites to help me desgin one of mine own
  5. i did just not active right now
  6. i reason i am asking is becuase i don't know how to Must -Be a Full Page -Info's on a sidebar -Easy To Skin For Me -Have Side Bar Left AND/OR Right -Have images I HAVE My OWN if you can do this please pm me
  7. NICE
  8. A Turkish Airlines B737-800 Crashed as it was trying to land Near Amsterdam Sadly 9 People Died in this Accendent including 3 crew and both pilot an co-pilot
  9. Fixed my Site http://www.springsairairlines.com the skin isn't the one nebeel did i did it but i just watched his tutorial and did it
  10. AJM101 send me the template and i can skin it for you
  11. Fixed
  12. A united Airways Plane Crashed in the Hudson river All passangers Servied and Crew and Pilots On Jan 15,2009
  13. i get this and is there a way to fix this. Fatal error: Call to undefined method StatsData::updatetotalhours() in /home/coolkid1/public_html/springsairairlines.com/install/update.php on line 147
  14. Hey Nabeel, is there a way to do auto registration for our forums. so when they register on our site they also register on our forums?i have seen it on here before but can't find it.
  15. oh ok
  16. the downloads link isn't work nebeel
  17. I and Others Can Help and i know what your doing wrong on some pages
  18. if you want i can help i agree with Roger his tutorials do help. they tell you what codes you need to get your site to work.
  19. i will just email me at kristopherwasserman6@msn.com if you want to look at my site http://www.springsairairlines.com i did that my self
  20. better thing to do is watch the tutorial on skinning by Roger Tutorial 1 http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/skinningbasicsp1 Tutorial 2 "http://www.phpvms.net/tutorials/skinningbasicsp2/ They Explain everything you need to know when you creat your own skin
  21. fixed it
  22. i get this error messAGE FROM MY admin panel Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Downloads in /home/coolkid1/public_html/springsairairlines.com/admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php on line 218 is there something i did wrong
  23. ok becuase the fourms register uses it and i can't fix it unless you know how i use phpbb 3.0.4
  24. Hey Nabeel, is there a way i cna change the pilot login to be the pilot id not the email address?
  25. Coolkid122


    Same Here. mess with the default skin and once you get that it will be easy have a look at mine i just did this about 3 days ago. http://www.springsairairlines.com
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