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Everything posted by fcolirf

  1. Sorry, i cannot donwload it...
  2. Hi all, i have my website coded in css/html but i need someone who integrate me it to PhpVms. It is also good to add the functionality of drop-down menu. Contact me if you would work and say me your price. paypal payment thanks
  3. Ivao and vatsim are not mandatory
  4. Maybe. But someone just PM me, so no bad idea.
  5. Hi, we are now opening a new European Virtual Airline, we have all set but we need some staff before the official opening: we must be ready! Open friendly positions SENIOR STAFF - - Staff Coordinator Requirements: Fluent English Skype Pilot in another virtual airline Pilot or ATC in IVAO/VATSIM (not mandatory) Great want to work and cooperate INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Webmaster Requirements: PHPvms Fluent English Basic Site Development and Design Skype Great want to work and cooperate FLIGHT OPERATION -Flight Operations Director -Flight Operations Assistant Direct Requirements PHPvms Pilot in a virtual airline Pilot or ATC in VATSIM or IVAO (not mandatory) Skype Fluent English Great want to work and cooperate PILOT ASSISTANCE -Helpline Coordinator PHPvms Pilot in a virtual airline Pilot in VATSIM or IVAO (not mandatory) Skype Fluent English Great want to work and cooperate BENEFITS GREAT EXPERIENCE PERSONAL MAIL BEING IN THE STAFF AND BE LISTED PAGE If interested PM me , say me who you are and what and why you would be! Thanks very much Andrea Human Resources of A.G.
  6. thanks very much,
  7. Hi, another question. How can i modify the page "Fleet"?
  8. hi, thanks very much for the skin!!! very beautiful. I have the map bigger than the widht of the site. How can i do?
  9. Hi, I have installed it with Plugin Manager, but I cannot see "Event Booking" in Addons page (admin panel) Thx Lorenzo
  10. Hi everyone, look the attachment. This is only a pilot but the map shows lot of planes... How I can resolve it? Thanks Lorenzo
  11. Hi, how i can modify the pages "About" "Contact" ext ? Tnx
  12. www.livingstonvirtual.it With PHPVMS installed... there is some one who would for us to do the shik? Please include the price in your message. Thanks
  13. Hi, I have install a new skin (vAirline) but I cannot see the pages on the admin panel? How I can resolve this? Lorenzo
  14. Hi sorry, how i can install a template? Thank you
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