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-Nick Tyson-

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Everything posted by -Nick Tyson-

  1. 1. When in the admin center under pages and I try to delete a page it wont do anything 2. Pilots not displaying under the roster. I swear I didn't break it! http://nicktyson.me/simb6/index.php/pilots Thanks
  2. Thats because Khanis, the kid you hacked, had it on his computer. Way to fail dude. Really, you can't design so you stupe to stealing it and selling it. Thats horrible man. Khanis was almost sued for stealing files. And now your doing it. To bad you gave me your address.
  3. What the hell do you think your doing. You didnt make that. Grant adkins did! Thats ridiculous that you would clam ownership to it! You better take back owning that or I will unlease f*** all over your face.
  4. It's most likely a problem from the route database. Best other way would be to enter manually.
  5. Hey guys, I've tried to fix this problem for a few weeks now. But when you go here - http://flycirrusair.com/index.php/pilots and scroll to the bottom My hours show all messed up. I have re-filed the pirep's, removed tranfered hours, and all that but it still says that. Any help is good! Thanks
  6. I'm having trouble finding it in the admin panel is my problem. Thanks
  7. Hey guys, I'm working on the awards and I have checked the docs and was wondering how to manually give a pilot an award.
  8. Thats an eye burner.
  9. Sent
  10. Pilots is showing up with me.
  11. Link to the sites files?
  12. Hey Nabeel, I did a fresh install of the beta last night and everything works perfect (Besides the ACARS). But I just tried to add an expense and it wasn't letting me. The field is there but the Add button isnt! Thanks, Nick
  13. They must need some more "free" bandwidth. Glad you got it to work!
  14. Thanks
  15. Is there a way I can changed the main pages title's? At my website all of the pages are capitalized but "home" isn't. Where can I edit this? Thanks! -Nick www.smartjet.org
  16. Resolved, thanks Nabeel
  17. -Nick Tyson-


    Hey Guys, I've started skinning, and it's really easy once you figure out how Nabeel has the system layed out. I really haven't seen anything this professional out of anyone before (well one person, but different). I'm offering for free, to skin templates for people who need them. So if you need one post the link to it below and I'll get started on it.
  18. Ok, well, I just ran it. Nothing changed tho. I even installed the update fresh off the website. So Idk whats going on. Nabeel if you have msn, skype, aim or any of that, it might make this easier. Thanks Alot!
  19. Oh gezz, I always do stupid things. I kinda forgot to run the update script. This is cause when i went in the admin center it said to delete the install folder. oppssy's! Let me go see if that does anything
  20. The most recent, I did a fresh update last night. It still says this tho - Version 1.2.661 is available for download! Please update ASAP
  21. Hey Nabeel, First, I filled out this form, Then, it gives me this
  22. The one in this directory SITEURL/admin/index.php/operations/addschedule
  23. Ok, thanks alot. But I'm sure its not the CSV, it worked on the old site. And the tool that lets u add them manually doesnt work.
  24. CSV's in http://smartjet.org/WRK When I try to upload the routes, it says it did it, but then when i got to view them they arnt there. I used the tool that came with it to add a route and it said it did it but the one i added wasn't there.
  25. Ok, sorry bout that! I just tried to add a route using the "Add" function and it didnt add it. This is getting confusing.
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