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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Hi All,

    As My Va Runs Charter Flights Without Any Scendules I was wondering if there was a away of making the pilot be able to "Charter A Flight" Which leads them to the simular page like in the add schedule page. When they press "Book" The flight is added to their bids. I've been looking at:


    But wouldn't know where to start by editing a copy of the admin center file for pilots.

    Any Help Appreciated,

    Merry Christmas,


  2. logo.gif

    London Executive Aviation Virtual (LEA Virtual for short) was setup to mirror the operations of our realworld counterpart. Initially Philip Adams (CEO) spotted a niche in the VATSIM VA market for A successful virtual business charter airline. After several weeks of pondering who he would like to bring onboard his team to make his dream come true. This man, our webmaster and Vice-CEO Jonathan Derrick was the one who Philip thought had the most potential to work with him.


    To this day, the virtual airline has gone through some rapid changes including the introduction of Version 3 of the website which includes features such as: AirMail, Live Support and a fully customised weather centre to name but A few...

    To Join Us Simply Visit: www.leavirtual.com

    To Contact The CEO:


    To Contact Myself:


    Kind Regards,

    Jonathan Derrick

  3. Hi All,

    Just thought this would come in handy basically the user enters the ICAO then the metar will display in an iframe,


    When no ICAO entered:


    When an ICAO code has been entered (EGKK)


    <form action="weather" method="post">
    Get METAR For:
     <input type="text" name="icao" />
     <input type="submit" />
    Latest METAR:
    <iframe src="http://www.vatsim.net/data/metar.php?id=<?php echo $_POST["icao"]; ?>" class="metar" width="200" height="75" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">></iframe>

    Kind Regards,


  4. Ok I want to display an Image for each pilot showing their Hub. And I also want To show an image for the Staff e-mail login:

    However I'm getting the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/leavirtu/public_html/lib/skins/Site/profile_main.tpl on line 180

    Line 180 is where

    <a href="http://www.leavirtual.com:2095"><img src="http://www.leavirtual.com/lib/skins/Site/images/profile/e-mail_staff.gif" width="200" height="100" border="0" /></a>


    if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
    	<a href="http://www.leavirtual.com:2095"><img src="http://www.leavirtual.com/lib/skins/Site/images/profile/e-mail_staff.gif" width="200" height="100" border="0" /></a>
       if($userinfo->hub == 'EGLC') 
              <img src="http://www.leavirtual.com/lib/skins/Site/images/profile/eglc.gif" width="200" height="100" />

    Am I doing it wrong? Ahd a look at using the php mehtod image showing but doesn't make sense,

    Help Apprciated,


  5. Hi All,

    Ok so the plan is that if want to add a section in the pilot cntre that shows according to a pilots hub so, for example, If Joe Bloggs Was in EGKK, it would show hub information.

    I am aware that it might be possible using a "if" statement but at the moment my knowledge of php isn't helping. I thought about using something like the code which shows different parts of the nav-bar but that would involve groups.

    Help Appreciated,

    Jon Derrick


  6. Hello,

    It's nice to see your joining up to VATSIM.

    The chance of getting banned for doing something wrong is VERY slim.

    I'm a controller in the UK for Gatwick. I'll logon around 19:00 UTC if you want and then just pm me saying hi.

    See you then,


  7. I Don't know if it would work but maybe an if statement:

     Quick example of how to see if they're logged in or not
     Only show this login form if they're logged in */
     if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false)
     { ?>
    <a href="http://www.domain.com/index.php/login">
    Please Login To View This Page!
    {$this->show('login_form.tpl'); }

    Was just a thought but probably won't work lol

  8. I Don't Think It's Poor Support here. It's just people have work and live in different times zones etc.

    Not wanting to sound harsh but the fact is people have to work out whats wrong so post as much info as possible, just because they have viewed it doesn't mean they can help.

    Tried them both on one server but there was a security issue, a conflict causing a member on one site that had an ID ending in XXX0001 to be able to log into the person profile on the other site who's ID ended in XXX001. Without the use of login (Email address and PW) I rplaced the sub-site several times and the databases and passwords and the conflict still existed. I couldn't get any response here on the forums no matter where I posted it. JUst viewing.

    Were you using the same database and same tables? If yes, thats probably why.

    From Your Other Topic:

    For some reason I have lost the ability to edit my news page and addon pages. When you click on Edit News or Editing pages all that is there is the code script? Np tools?

    Any Chance to see the code?



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