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Everything posted by Vaff

  1. Is there i way to put in a route info link under where you add the bid.
  2. I use 3.6.12
  3. Hello all! I have some problem whit Firefox on my site I installed Airmail and have problem view the mail correctly. The table seems messed up in Firefox but looks great in IE. Anyone know how to fix it? I had the same issue on other things like VAforum2. looks like Firefox for some reason have trouble reading tables correctly
  4. Hello. We need a painter for our fleet. PMDG B1900C Aerosoft Beaver FS9/FSX Aerosoft Twin Otter X Lago Twin Otter FS9 Flight One ATR 72-500 fs9/fsx Anyone that can take the job?
  5. Vaff

    pireps viewreport

    First of all in the /lib/skins/ObsessBlue/pirep_viewreport.tpl you need to make sure that you have the <div class="mcright"> on top and </div> on bottom to close it. to get the map to fit you need to go into /core/local.config.php find this text # Google Map Options this is what i set it too and looks ok for me Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '600px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '600px');
  6. Vaff


    Giorgi: Read his signature and you will see that he dosent answer PM. Im sure if you ask him for help here on forum you will get answer and help
  7. Thx for the answer!! Is there a way so my staff rank will not be counted for in the hours to next rank
  8. Anyone that can help whit this issue?
  9. Is there any way that i can edit somthing in the files so the rank can be counted for flights and not the hours? If so can anyone explain me how to do it Thx
  10. Vaff


    Nobody knows?
  11. Vaff


    Is there any what that i can edit somthing in the files so the rank can be counted for flights and not the hours?
  12. Is it possible to just have 3 answers insteed of 4? and if thats possible how can i set it up? And is there a easy way to delete the default exams :-)
  13. Vaff

    Obsess Blue

    Have some other questions aswell :-) Im the pilot center you got some links to diffretn things that is in blue colour and get kinda brown/red when you have pushed on them. How can i change that so it is black and still black when pushed on? Rank system: I have changed that to manual and it works ok. but i want to change alittle of it. I have some admin ranks, and i dont want them to show up in pilot center rank tab that says you have 10 hours left to CEO rank Is it away to be able to turn off hours count for Admin ranks? And i also want to change the counting from Hours to flights. how can i do that?
  14. Vaff

    Obsess Blue

    How can i get the links under Main meny to show in black text insted of the blue text Problem solved
  15. Anyone that ca tell me how to get this to fit into my ObsessBlue Skin?? I have the exam and admin running fine but some of the tables will not fit into the screen. So i need a way to resise it EDIT: Just found it out :-) Try and see works sometimes ;-)
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