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Stealth - QCX002

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Everything posted by Stealth - QCX002

  1. Not really what I wanted to do, I'm working off of a CSS templates and i can't skin PHPVMS because I don't know how. Like i said i want to have certain parts to be on the WEBSITE i made from template and all i can do so far is to use crappy iframes
  2. Hey there I'm got a website (www.quantumcargo.co.cc)*No links work site is incomplete* and I would like to embed curtain part of PHPVMS into the website, so for example the Live map to be on its own inside of my Websites layout and having the pilots centre on a page that is linked into my website but without having all of the top banner that you get if you were looking at(www.quantumcargo.co.cc/pilots) So to recap I want to know if there is a way to intergrate or imbed the PHPVMS into my site that i am making! Thanks in Advance Stealth
  3. My VA Signature aren't Regenerating when i go into Maintenance Options, and Reset Signatures. It says regenerating signatures and then doesn't do anything
  4. Is there a way to make 2 different Ranking Systems so you could have 1 ranking system for Boeing Pilots and one for Airbus Pilots
  5. What should i search or can u give me a link to it
  6. Hey is there a way to make the pilot who has done a flight only be able to do a flight from that airport they landed at instead of juts being able to fly from they airport they started at the last flight. So I fly from EGLL to EGCC then I can only do flights starting from EGCC instead of being able to do this flight EGLL to EGCC then EGLL to KJFK If you get what i mean
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