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Everything posted by VAA CEO

  1. In my post, no names were mentioned, it was only a statement of facts! I'm sure that there are more people other than myself that has had enough of this kind of misconduct.
  2. As I said in several of his emails, that was not me !
  3. I have noticed that there are several times on this forums, where certain people are accuse of copyright infringements, they are given notices to stop and remove such material but they keep on breaking the rules. It is people like these that is causing much hardship for the Va's that are trying to have fun and enjoy our hobby. There are Va's out there that have been shut down by their real world counterpart for just having their website(s) full of copyrighted material. If these people don't get stopped then the rest of us had better find a different hobby. Before you know it, our hobby will be no more. I feel that if any Virtual Airline is caught and proven of copyright infringements on more than a couple of occasions, they should be banned from this community and have their phpVMS account removed. It is not fair to the rest of us here in this community to have to worry day to day if our site(s) are in danger of being shutdown and removed just because of certain people who don't have knowledge on how create their own work, and they have to result into stealing someone else property. If I'm wrong by making such a suggestion to this great community, I'm sorry, but this has gone on long enough!
  4. Now that I have received an email from Mr.Welka accusing me of making statements about his VA (that I never did) and is emailing me this email yesterday, : {You really think I stole that banner? First look at fonts they are different. Second I made it. Attached is photoshop with my logo i created as you can see ALL THE LAYERS. You dont have facts sir. So until you have FACTS dont point fingers. Hope to see you in the skies, Taylor Welka CEO American Airlines Virtual ceo@aalvirtual.org} Well Mr. Welka, now that you have made me angry with your emails, yes you stole this image from here : http://www.airliners.net/photo/American-Airlines/Boeing-757-223/2022834/&sid=e3a6152cf90188aae446e69a53bbc0e2 , this image is the very same one on your website header ! http://www.aalvirtual.org/ Now that I have been accused of pointing my finger at you, I have done just that ! I have emailed Paul Markman, the true owner of this image and reported you for copyright infringements . I suggest to you in the future, if it don't belong to you, don't take it.
  5. Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Do you feel like you are part of the team or just a number ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a professionally built website and custom kACARS for its members, custom pilot center, exam testing center,a custom "Tours" module, a FSX dedicated 24/7 blade server, Team Speak3, a community forum, weekly and monthly scheduled events and tours, a custom built "Pilot Center", monthly Pilot of the month and screenshot contest. Virtual American Airlines is on its way to be one of the world's most realistic Virtual Airlines to date. American together with American Eagle, American Cargo and the "One World Alliance", VAA will have more than 7,000 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 153 domestic and 182 international destinations. Virtual American Airlines offer its members the ability to fly online with fellow pilots, weekly and monthly scheduled events, Fleet downloads, Flight instruction to the new pilots and much more. Virtual American Airlines was formed in December 2010 with operations starting January 1, 2011. Virtual American Airlines flies online with the VATSIM Network, and offline to provide our pilots with a full range of resources to enhance their flying enjoyment. These resources includes kACARS, FSACARS, also an Automated Pilot Reporting system with Pilot Rosters, Corporate and Hub-based training, a flight dispatch service, an excellent Fleet department, including the latest and best freeware aircraft for both American and American Eagle, web-based flight planning tools, and much more. If you are bored with your old VA or just an American Airlines enthusiasts, and interested in starting your virtual career with Virtual American Airlines, and your at-least 13 years of age, please fill out an application. We use a fully simulated system to re-create all real world American Airlines and One World Alliance schedules and passenger demands. Virtual American Airlines is looking for those dedicated pilots who has experience in airline management for Staff positions, so if your not a VAA member, stop by and register today !
  6. Why make another American VA when there are one established here with phpVMS ? Good luck !
  7. Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Do you feel like you are part of the team or just a number ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a professionally built website and custom kACARS for its members, custom pilot center, exam testing center,a custom "Tours" module, a FSX dedicated 24/7 blade server, Team Speak3, a community forum, weekly and monthly scheduled events and tours, a custom built "Pilot Center", monthly Pilot of the month and screenshot contest. Virtual American Airlines is on its way to be one of the world's most realistic Virtual Airlines to date. American together with American Eagle, American Cargo and the "One World Alliance", VAA will have more than 7,000 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 153 domestic and 182 international destinations. Virtual American Airlines offer its members the ability to fly online with fellow pilots, weekly and monthly scheduled events, Fleet downloads, Flight instruction to the new pilots and much more. Virtual American Airlines was formed in December 2010 with operations starting January 1, 2011. Virtual American Airlines flies online with the VATSIM Network, and offline to provide our pilots with a full range of resources to enhance their flying enjoyment. These resources includes kACARS, FSACARS, also an Automated Pilot Reporting system with Pilot Rosters, Corporate and Hub-based training, a flight dispatch service, an excellent Fleet department, including the latest and best freeware aircraft for both American and American Eagle, web-based flight planning tools, and much more. If you are bored with your old VA or just an American Airlines enthusiasts, and interested in starting your virtual career with Virtual American Airlines, and your at-least 13 years of age, please fill out an application. We use a fully simulated system to re-create all real world American Airlines and One World Alliance schedules and passenger demands. Virtual American Airlines is looking for those dedicated pilots who has experience in airline management for Staff positions, so if your not a VAA member, stop by and register today !
  8. I'm still having the same error, anyone has any ideas ?
  9. Im still having this same issue , of a switch error ! Anyone have any ideas ? Thanks..
  10. Virtual American Airlines has implemented another exclusive module from simpilotgroup. This new module from simpilotgroup creates an environment for staff members to manage pilots from outside of the main admin panel with all the main actions located in one screen and not allowing a staff member to change core data about a pilot. Adding and removing awards for a pilot, pilot acceptance, pilot status changes, sending PIREP warning emails, and pilot rank management are some of the options available. Pilot notes are kept for each pilot showing registration, approval, and every action performed within the pilot manager, as well as allowing the manager to add their own notes. These notes are only viewable in the pilot manager section to managers with access to that pilot. The system includes the simpilotgroup staff module to create staff members and gives you three options of access to the pilot manager, (no access, access to assigned hub only, access to all pilots). The included staff module also allows you to display a page listing of your staff. These staff positions are completely independent from the native phpVMS ranking system. With helpful donations and support from the VAA Members, this new module should be up and running by the end of the week. We believe that if we keep it as real as possible, we will grow, and we have done just that! Virtual American Airlines has several staff positions open, if you feel that you meet the requirements posted in the forums, and you have the time that is needed to dedicate to the community, please contact the staff at staff@virtualamericanusa.com for more information.
  11. If you ask me, you are taking a risky move trying to implement more than one airline to your VA. Just my opinion....Good Luck !
  12. Yes sir I am...
  13. Negative, problem not solved...With my work schedule I find it hard to fly on a weekly basis, so for the time I'm hoping a solution comes soon... Im sure that it is a problem with my pc, the rest of my pilots are flying with out any problems.....sometime after 7/4/2011, mp pc did an automatic update of something, and somewhere in my firewall settings it is keeping me from connecting to my server...
  14. Your site is Good, except maybe you think you could do something with that background ?
  15. Thanks for the reply! What is wrong with the color of the drop down boxes ?
  16. Captains & Pilots, Virtual American Airlines would like to send a warm invite to our new site. Virtual American Airlines now taking applications for staff and pilots for a relaxed, Adult , professional, and educating experience. We are not going to boast about how good we are, nor how big we are. We are just inviting you to come and enjoy the flight experience that we offer. Are you bored with your present Virtual Airline ? Are you doing the same old thing week after week ? Do you feel like you are part of the team or just a number ? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to make a change! Here at Virtual American Airlines we offer a professionally built website and custom kACARS for its members, a FSX dedicated 24/7 blade server, Team Speak3, a community forum, weekly and monthly scheduled events and tours, a custom built "Pilot Center", monthly Pilot of the month and screenshot contest. Virtual American Airlines is on its way to be one of the world's most realistic Virtual Airlines to date. American together with American Eagle, American Cargo and the "One World Alliance", VAA will have more than 7,000 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 153 domestic and 182 international destinations. Virtual American Airlines offer its members the ability to fly online with fellow pilots, weekly and monthly scheduled events, Fleet downloads, Flight instruction to the new pilots and much more. Virtual American Airlines was formed in December 2010 with operations starting January 1, 2011. Virtual American Airlines flies online with the VATSIM Network, and offline to provide our pilots with a full range of resources to enhance their flying enjoyment. These resources includes kACARS, FSACARS, also an Automated Pilot Reporting system with Pilot Rosters, Corporate and Hub-based training, a flight dispatch service, an excellent Fleet department, including the latest and best freeware aircraft for both American and American Eagle, web-based flight planning tools, and much more. If you are bored with your old VA or just an American Airlines enthusiasts, and interested in starting your virtual career with Virtual American Airlines, and your at-least 13 years of age, please fill out an application. We use a fully simulated system to re-create all real world American Airlines and One World Alliance schedules and passenger demands.
  17. Hmm, I find this odd, Daniel Cormack, VAA251, has gave false information on his Pilot Application ! I wonder why that is ? If you are going to lie about information on a pilot application, what else are you giving false information about ????
  18. WoW you must know someone in higher ranks than other people with the real world Frontier ! I know of several people who have tried this without permission and have found themselves with website's being shutdown or even worse.
  19. ok thanks....
  20. ok, stand by
  21. Joeri, Yes I trust you, you have helped me before....
  22. The problem that I'm having is on my PC desktop. I can log in on my desktop with no problem. The VA pilots are not having any issues, just me and my desk top...
  23. I know, like I said, I have done everything that is known to man, except go in to the PC store and do a complete system reinstall...
  24. Well I have tried everything known to man, and this program is still not working...It is hard to believe that no one else has encountered this problem before and no solutions have been found. My firewall is down, I have updated .net, uninstalled and reinstalled kACARS , the custom and free versions and still not able to fly since 7/4/11.
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