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Everything posted by mw308

  1. Hi Tom Thanks for the answer to q2 - didn't think about looking in the tlps for that one - mind too busy with other things. As for the 1st q, the title I'm refering to is the H1 title added to the custom pages, which changes based on the name of the page you give it. For example, one of my pages is called "Schedules", so the word "Schedules" comes up at the top of the custom page. As it doesn't show in the htm file, it must pull it from elsewhere, and since none of my other pages have this H1 title at the top, I won't mind editing the core file that puts it there, I just don't know what that file is. Cheers Will
  2. Hi all Good to be back working on my phpVMS site once more - hopefully will get it sorted soon! 2 queries. The 1st is what page do I alter to get the page title removed from a custom page, as I'd like to place my own title image in there? I've looked at the .tpl files and even some of the .php files, but I'm drawing a blank - must ge going blind . The other question is, on the pilot center schedules page, could a space be placed between the flight number and the (icao-icao) text, so that they are separate? Of course this might have already been changed in the latest beta, but I'm still using the main release 700. Many thanks in advance! Will
  3. Thanks Nabeel - looking forward to it.
  4. Hi Nabeel Are admin roles coming in the next version? Do you know a rough timescale that will be? Thanks
  5. Hi all I've tried to set the zoom level in the config using map_zoom, map_zoom_level, etc. and none seem to be working. Is there an easy way to set the level, as my VA only flies in the UK? Cheers
  6. Ah much better thanks I'll update to 1.2.610 as well
  7. I replaced the pchart folder with the same result I'm afraid. The output from above was: Array ( [02/02] => 0 [02/03] => 0 [02/04] => 0 [02/05] => 0 [02/06] => 0 [02/07] => 0 [02/08] => 0 [02/09] => 0 ) a:8:{s:5:"02/02";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/03";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/04";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/05";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/06";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/07";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/08";s:1:"0";s:5:"02/09";s:1:"0";} (The code function not working for some reason) For your info the server is Windows 2003 running IIS 6 (which may be the problem in itself ) Also, is it worth me just replacing the pchart folder with the one from 1.1.458, or does it do something different now?
  8. Hi Nabeel You're going to hate me by the end of all this I read a few posts ago that the graph on the admin home page took a long time to load. Before this little update it was instantaneous for me. Now it's taking over 2 mins and errors out with: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in (...)corelibpchartpChart.class.php on line 372 It also makes the CPU 100% while this is trying to run. I have just tested the downloads bit and that seems to be working fine now thanks.
  9. Yes I've copied in the latest version of that file and the same thing is still happening. I use IE for my browser. EDIT: When I click Add Category after putting in a name, literally nothing happens. The input box doesn't even disappear.
  10. Where does the debug text show? EDIT: I've just found from reading the code that there is supposed to be an error if you click Add Category when there isn't a name in there. I'm not getting the error either.
  11. Hi Nabeel the update seems to have gone through ok. All tables have been created, including the _downloads one. I click Add Category, type in a name, the click Add, but nothing happens.
  12. OK the version number is now 1.2.600 which has removed the message about the version. Still unable to add downloads/categories though.
  13. With ?force: Notice: The template file "C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2/install/templatesheader.tpl" doesn't exist in C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2coreclassesTemplateSet.class.php on line 206 phpVMS Updater Starting the update... Adding new options to the core/local.config.php... Updating your database... Warning: file_get_contents(C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2/install/update.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2installInstaller.class.php on line 236 Update completed! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there were any errors, you may have to manually run the SQL update, or correct the errors, and click the following to re-run the update: update.php?force Click here to goto your site, or your admin panel Notice: The template file "C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2/install/templatesfooter.tpl" doesn't exist in C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2coreclassesTemplateSet.class.php on line 206 I've just noticed that it has worked this time, so that's ok. I'll check the version etc now.
  14. Without ?force: Notice: The template file "C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2/install/templatesheader.tpl" doesn't exist in C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2coreclassesTemplateSet.class.php on line 206 phpVMS Updater You already have updated! Please delete this /install folder. To force the update to run again, click: update.php?force Notice: The template file "C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2/install/templatesfooter.tpl" doesn't exist in C:Inetpubairsouthwest (95)v2coreclassesTemplateSet.class.php on line 206
  15. Ok just tried running update.php with the other file in the install folder with no other files, and it reported I've already updated. Tried with ?force, and a shed load of errors popped up with file missing etc. Do you want me to upload the entire update.zip again and start again with ?force ?
  16. Not a problem - good to be challenged every now and again! By the way I extract the zip directly to the server (no FTP uploading), so technically any files that are corrupted is either due to 7-Zip or Windows Explorer. I'll let you know how the 2 files get on.
  17. Hi Nabeel I think I've got wires crossed now Do you still want me to run the code above, and do you then want me to upload the update zip to the site and run it, or just upload the 2 new files from the updated download on their own and run update.php?
  18. What I meant above is that while I don't have 'vaairswv2.phpvms_pireps' I do have 'vaairswv2.vaaswv2_pireps'. Alongside this I also have _downloads and _expenses under the same database and table prefix name. I can force the version number if necessary. I've also tried readding download categories with no luck.
  19. Ah right ok I might put them in as the callsign or as you say 303a and 303b etc. Thanks. What happens about the previous legged routes? They are still showing as OK in the route list, but will it have problems when logging pireps with these?
  20. When pasting the sql code directly into MySQL I get: Table 'vaairswv2.phpvms_pireps' doesn't exist which would be correct. However I've checked to make sure that the tables it creates are all correct which they are (like the downloads and expenses tables).
  21. Hi Nabeel I've read the legs part of the pirep has been removed, which has created a problem for us. Basically all our flights run from 2 airports close to each other, then onwards to the final destination, or sometimes even further. For instance, one of our flight numbers (WOW304) goes EGJJ, EGHD, EDDG, EGCC. Obviously the legs took care of that, but now they have been removed, is there any way of keeping the same flight number for all the legs? Thanks
  22. Yes just did 2 forced updates and both said updated ok, and the version still showing 1.1.458.
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