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Everything posted by beerguts

  1. Perfect! Thanks Nabeel
  2. Thanks Nabeel. This is what I am getting.... Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PilotData::SaveFields > PilotAdmin->viewpilots > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_fieldvalues (fieldid, pilotid, value) VALUES (2, 1, '1234567') Error: (1452) - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`mysite/phpvms_fieldvalues`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_zzzz` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ===== The thing is phpvms_zzzz doesn't exist. I believe it was a table used early on to replicate the pilots table but since has been deleted.
  3. Hello All, I've created a custom profile field through the admin center for VATSIM ID's. I've gone into the member's profile to add their VATSIM ID and get the "saved successfully" message. But when I go out of that screen then back in the data is missing. Any help appreciated.
  4. Okay no problem thanks.
  5. Greetings, I have been using Top Pilot and it is a fantastic module. The question I have is how do we configure the code so we can show seperate Top Pilot stats pages by Hub? Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. Good news - the issue has been fixed. It appears a change I made to the TopPilot module was affecting the submission of pireps via kACARS. Thanks for your help.
  7. Yeah I haven't amended that file. The only files I have edited recently is the TopPilot module. I'll try updating the version and see if that works.
  8. Hello All, kACARS has been working fantastically up until the last few flights. Now when someone goes to file a pirep they are given a connection error. Interestingly the pirep still files on the main site but their bid is not removed from their bid list. All other parts of kACARS work correctly. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help
  9. Yeah I thought you'd say that - I was secretly hoping you'd come up with a different reason because it wasn't letting me delete the foreign key! (it kept throwing an error). I eventually had to make a copy of the table, delete the constraints, delete the original table and rename the new table to the original table name. Thanks
  10. okay... here's the error log: Time: 10.07.10 22:16:16 Backtrace: DB::write_debug > DB::query > PilotGroups::AddUsertoGroup > PilotAdmin->AddPilotToGroup > PilotAdmin->viewpilots > call_user_func_array > MainController::RunAllActions Query: INSERT INTO phpvms_groupmembers (pilotid, groupid) VALUES (9, 6) Error: (1452) - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`unityvirtual_uvac/phpvms_groupmembers`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_groupmembers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_zzzz` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) The reference phpvms_zzzz was a copy of the phpvms_pilots table I created. I have since deleted phpvms_zzzz but it still seems to be referencing it.
  11. Hello All, I am trying to add a user to a group but it keeps giving me this error: There was an error adding this user This user is not in any groups! Any ideas? Regards
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