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Posts posted by TennShadow

  1. Just be careful, they could delete you if they wanted to be an ass. That's why I didn't include that permission in there, perhaps I can change that so admin can only be deleted by other admin?

    Thanks Nabeel.

    I figured that was the reason you did that. I realize the risk I'm taking with doing this. My VA has been open for a year now and up until now I was the only one doing HR. The good thing is just in case he does become an ass I have my database automatically backed up nightly so I won't lose much if anything at all.

    That would be a good idea to only allow Admin to delete Admin btw.

    Thanks guys for all your help!!

  2. Keith,

    Do you want this user to be able to delete a pilot who has already been accepted? If so then you can modify the pilots_options.tpl. At the top of the template is the if statement that controls who can see this area.

    if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN)) 

    Just change the FULL_ADMIN to the asses level you wish to be able to view (EDIT_PILOTS) or you can add an or to the if statement

    if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN) || PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, EDIT_PILOTS)) 


    That did it!

    Thank you so much for your help!

  3. Well firstly i had this and flagged it up as a security issue over a year ago and Nabeel put in a fix, basically if you give the staff member the ability to change groups then they can add themselves to the admin group and do what they like to your site.

    The code will need a modification to hide the admin option which should be above their level.

    Thanks for the heads up on this. I don't really think giving them that right will be needed.

    Thanks again!

  4. Hey Keith,

    Let's look at an exmaple admin tpl file....

    You may notice this perm pasers. Just like that, just an example.

    	if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, FULL_ADMIN)) 
    	{ ?>
    		<button href="<?php echo adminaction('/pilotadmin/viewpilots');?>" pilotid="<?php echo $pilotid;?>" 
    			action="removegroup" id="<?php echo $group->groupid;?>" 
    			class="pilotgroupajax button {button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-trash'}}}">Remove</button></td>
    	} ?>

    So if you want to make the HR to change an group or something.....

    Then change the FULL_ADMIN To EDIT_PILOTS

    Then it should be good. You can do to the another Perm Auths in the admin tpl files.

    I had to do that too. Worked Great.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to sound ignorant here but I'm not following what I need to do exactly.

    If I change that wouldn't that mess up my permissions for the FULL_ADMIN group? The group change think really isn't a big deal. I just want my HR group to be able to delete pilots.

  5. I've created a HR group and I have someone I trust enough to manage and delete pilots but I don't want him to manage any other parts of my site.

    I've given that group ACCESS_ADMIN and EDIT_PILOTS but I've noticed that they can not do everything I'd like them to.

    They can not "change Pilot Groups", "Reset Passwords", or "Delete Pilots".

    My question to you PHP gurus is do you know of any way to adjust the code for this group so I can add those rights to it? The delete feature is really what I want but if all three can be done that would be great!



  6. HI, ALL

    1.- Because a complete flight and close the kACARS, still appears in the MAP LIVE flight and general site map


    2.- I have to copy that code to put on the main page of a website with joomla.

    How is it done?

    I want to put only the map but I get all the web phpVMS



    1. You can change this option in your local.config file to the amount of time you want it to appear on the map after the flight closes.

    # ACARS options
    #  Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS
    #  Default is 720 minutes (12 hours)
    Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); 

  7. Hey everyone,

    when I change something in the skin (an image) it doesn't change on my website. I checked the link and selected the right skin in the administrator menu.

    I hope you can help me!


    Your site could be loading off the browser cache. Empty your cache and see if it shows up correctly.

  8. Tried it on another site, same issue. I get to the page that states:

    "Your site is all setup! You can login to your site from the front-page, and then proceed to admin panel here".

    I cannot log in and the screen just refreshes when I try anything, to include logging in. No errors either in my logs. I have been reading posts here all morning and nothing so far. I see people with the same issue but no resolutions yet on any of them. One person stated it just started working so guess I'll just have to cross my fingers for now and hope for the same.

    That's weird. Please do what the below page asks you to do and post the your findings in this thread.


    That will help us figure out what is going on with your install.



  9. Thanks Keith,

    I mainly don't want to run the install of the DB for the same and then have it rewrite any of my tables which is my primary concern. It wouldn't be a concern if I created both at the same time of course. My current host allows the sub domains but currently looking to move before Feb (when my contract is up). And yes, I backup my DB if I feel a sneeze coming on ;)

    I also wasn't sure if it came with all the needed files, php, html etc... and didn't know if it would need to be in the php root folder. If I do a fresh PHP install from it's install folder that could hugely toss a wrench into the mix if you know what I mean.

    Thanks for the help,


    When you download PHPVMS it comes with all the files needed. Check out the below tutorial on how to get PHPVMS up and running.


  10. Hello,

    I have recently was shown this from a member of my Aviation/Simulation forum and would like to implement it, but before I do I have a couple questions to prevent some possible huge issues.

    I already have Php locked to mySQL obviously for my forum. So...

    • Do I need to create a new domain for this? Otherwise I can't see how this can run on the same with my forum/SQL and as you can imagine am a little hesitant on running the installer(s) since I don't want to hose all the work I've done.
    • Can I just add it to it's own folder and install from there? And how would that still effect the fact that my domain already has php and sql tied to it?

    Thanks for your time,


    You can run PHPVMS in a sub folder on your site without any issues or the need to purchase another domain. Something like www.yoursite.com/phpvms. As for the database, you could create a separate database if you want to as long as your host allows you to create multiple databases. I personally run my forum and PHPVMS off the same DB and have never ran into any issues. With that being said you should backup your database before you do anything just as a precaution.

  11. In order to celebrate the one year anniversary of Patriot Virtual I would like new skin developed.

    Some of the things I'm looking for are listed below:

    -- Web 2.0 look and feel

    -- Custom Pilot Control Panel

    -- Custom Public Pilot Profile

    -- Integration with a few of Sim Pilots modules

    If possible, I'd like this projected completed by the end of February.

    If there are any designers interested in this project please message me and we can discuss this in detail.





  12. Good night friends, first of all I apologize if I wrote something wrong because I am Brazilian and I do not speak English very well.

    C'mon, I'm wanting to mount a virtual airline but did not get to understand the step of beginning. I have a domain hosted at UOL (very famous here in Brazil) and now I have to do ...

    I thank you,

    a hug and a happy new year to all

    Victor Mota

    Check out this beginners document made by one of our users. It will help you with all the beginning steps on setting up PHPVMS on a web host.


  13. You have 411 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. Click here to send them

    but I can´t send it :angry:

    FAILED exporting PIREP #433 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #432 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #431 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #430 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #429 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #428 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #427 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #426 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #425 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #424 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #423 - No response from API server

    FAILED exporting PIREP #422 - No response from API server.......

    Have you tried it in the last hour? I just did and they all sent fine.

  14. One can define an award but it only covers specifying the URL of the image, the name and description. There are no trigger specifications such as "grant on rank promotion" or "grant on X successful flights" or "grant manually". In my case I created just one award that would be granted when completing 20 landings on a special subset of airports (challenging approaches).

    My main question however is, once awards are defined I don't see a way to either grant them automatically (see above) or manually. For example, I miss some "Grant Award" on the Pilot menu. Am I missing something?

    The awards can only be awarded manually at this time. To issue an award you would go to the admin side and click on "Pilots and Groups" ---> "View All Pilots" ---> Locate the pilot in question and hit "Edit". From there you go to the "Pilots Award" tab and issue the award.

  15. I tried doing a search with signature but no luck. Could i possibly have the code so i can show the signature in the pilot center. not a link to see it.



    You just need to add the <img> tags to the signature code and it will display like any other image you have on your site.

    <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL.SIGNATURE_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png' ?>" />

  16. I have never asked anyone to use my application. Everyone is free to use what ever they want. But I personally don't like hearing that someone doesn't want to use it because of "issues". Especially when I have not heard of these "issues". There were a couple of reasons that I wrote kACARS.

    1. When we started our VA I was not impressed with either xACARS or FSACARS. Namely the complete lack of support for either of these.

    2. I am a programming language junkie. I have learned so many languages that it just is fun for me to learn a new one.

    3. It was a challenge.

    4. I wanted to give something back to Nabeel and phpVMS users. In the beginning I got a lot of support from this forum and other users. I try and give back whenever I can.

    With all of that said I have tried to support my product at all times. I still need to get around to updating it but as I have 6 kids, a job, a wife, a VA and personal projects time is short.

    If you are experiencing "issues" then I think the first person you should let know is me. I will try and help if I can.

    Stepping of Soapbox :D

    Well said sir!

  17. ok, when people tried connecting to FS they used to get errors.

    What are the errors? We can't help you without details of the problem. The most common problem using kACARS is not running the program as an Administrator. This is not a problem with the application but with how Microsoft addresses security on their newer OS's (Vista, 7).

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