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We've been running the phpVMS system for a while now, and were originally able to get the live map to show grey squares only, along with the flight info listed below. We attempted to fix it with no success, so moved to the latest beta.

Now, the map shows up, but no flights appear either on the map or in the list below. Is there a step-by-step set-up guide for FSACARS or XACARS because no matter what we try, we get no results.

Many Thanks,

Andy Russell

One World Virtual


I'm afraid not, since we upgraded to the beta the boxes no longer show up under FSACARS or XACARS. Previously, the flight info appeared below the map, but the aircraft icon was always a grey box instead of a red or green plane.

If there's any files you need to take a look at, i'll give you acces to our FTP server via whatever FTP client software you have. Just let me know where to mail the info if you need it.


Andy @ OWV


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It seems like your webhost is appending data to the stream:

<!-- www.000webhost.com Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://analytics.hosting24.com/count.php"></script>
<noscript><a href="http://www.hosting24.com/"><img src="http://analytics.hosting24.com/count.php" alt="web hosting" /></a></noscript>
<!-- End Of Analytics Code -->

Which is causing it to error out

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