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Revision 795: fixed #25 php5 deprecated, fixed #36 xacars time/distance, fixed #31 ...


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Revision 795: fixed #25 php5 deprecated, fixed #36 xacars time/distance, fixed #31 ...18 November 2009, 2:10 pmfixed #25 php5 deprecated, fixed #36 xacars time/distance, fixed #31 awards in admin, fixed #33, fixed #28, fixed #16, fixed #34, fixed #37, fixed #14, refs #11Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
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I installed this earlier today and as said, the image issue for awards was fixed....BUT In admin panel for the image, all I get is the url. When viewing awards on profile, it simply gives the description for the award. No Image.

If go to pilot center, now it lists the description of the award as before, BUT now it moves the word Award right up next (right hand side) to the Pilot rank image.

Added a ticket for this. I do have screen shots if you need them.

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Hi Nabeel. On ticket 42, I was reading and allthough it was chalked up to design flaw on the word moving up next to the rank image, please understand that the profile page on my site has NOT been altered at all. ;-)

Was going to comment on it over at the bug site but it did not have a add comment link anymore under it

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yeah i was logged in. I did not see the number for the bug I reported so I had to use the previous link to get to it and when I did, there was no way to add to it.

I had loads of stuff going on around me earlier and I probably just missed a comment link or something simple.

things is calm now and I am flying and Carrie is on her game so it's back to work for me on the website.

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