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Revision 817: fixed #76 fixed #97 fixed #96 fixed #99, FSFK and ACARS fixes, refs#85 ...


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Added PIREP editing on the pilot side, the rest are just bug fixes. Hopefully ACARS is working now.

Run /install/checkinstall.php and paste in the output, go ahead and upgrade.

Also, I need ACARS data to just verify and test - empty the core/logs/acars.txt, do a flight (FSACARS and FSFK are what I need), and then send the log to me, or attach here.

I'm still working on the missing pie chart, very strange problem. Not quite sure what's going on, but it's puzzled me. Per-airline stats are coming too, just did the first part to those today.

I've kinda pegged a release date... it's soon, but the bug list is pretty light now, just minor fixes here and there

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Can you crop the screenshot? It's blowing out the forum.

"says 40.912miles when its 40 and 18 minutes shows as 0.1818 i think the info is in the decimal format"

well 40/40.912 is close enough lol, and I'll check out the time thing, thanks.

Glad ACARS works now though. The issue was with airports with quotes in the name

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afther install 817

phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software
Install Check

Checking PHP version
[OK] PHP version is 5.2.x

Checking connectivity...
[OK] Can contact outside servers

Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files
[Error] ../unittest/run_tests.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/add_pirep.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/fspax.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/fsfk.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/tests/registration_test.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/tests/pirep_test.php doesn't exist
[Error] ../unittest/tests/times_test.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /install/checkinstall.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /install/install.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/common/PIREPData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/Vars.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/classes/autoload.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/XML/XML.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/Profile/Profile.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../unit_test.php doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Import/Import.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/pireps_viewall.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/profile_main.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_vaconfig.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Error] ../core/templates/fsfk_pirep_details.tpl doesn't exist
[Checksum failed] /core/templates/fsfk_pirep_config.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /admin/templates/export_form.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/jquery_essentials.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/ro.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/cs.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/ko.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/pt.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/nl.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/gu.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/es.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/el.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/ar.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/gl.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/sv.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/hu.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/fa.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/en.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/af.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/ms.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/eo.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/lv.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/sr.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/km.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/pl.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/sr-latn.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/zh-cn.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/eu.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/pt-br.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/et.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/fr.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/bg.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/lang/vi.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/find/dialogs/find.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/horizontalrule/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/flash/dialogs/flash.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/domiterator/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/templates/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/pastefromword/dialogs/pastefromword.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/table/dialogs/table.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/list/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/tab/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/enterkey/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/newpage/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/dialogs/smiley.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/elementspath/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/pastetext/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/checkbox.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/hiddenfield.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/button.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/forms/dialogs/textarea.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/dialogs/paste.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/toolbar/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/dialogs/options.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/stylescombo/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/listblock/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/editingblock/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/link/dialogs/anchor.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/link/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/lang/en.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/uicolor/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/colordialog.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/richcombo/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/panel/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/specialchar.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/floatpanel/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/entities/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/wsc/dialogs/wsc.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/button/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/about/dialogs/about.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/save/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/maximize/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/justify/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/tabletools/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/keystrokes/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/plugins/panelbutton/plugin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/ckeditor_basic_source.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /lib/js/ckeditor/skins/v2/skin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /install/update.sql did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date
[Checksum failed] /install/install.sql did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date

-- Checked 295 files, found 109 errors

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