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Hi everyone, when a user registers i have an insert statement taken from the create forum account that inserts a users ID and name in to my teamspeak db, what i currently have is this,

// Insert a row of information into the table "ts2_clients "
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ts2_clients
(i_client_id, i_client_server_id, b_client_privilege_serveradmin, s_client_name, s_client_password, dt_client_created, dt_client_lastonline) VALUES('0', '1', '0', '".$code.$fname."', '".$pass."', '', '' ) ")

So this inserts in to my teamspeak db Pilot ID and First name like this ABC0001Mark, what i am trying to do is put a space in between the id and the name so it inserts like this, ABC0001 Mark

Im no coder and have been hunting about with no luck, google who normally is my best friend yields no results, any suggestions would be gratefully received.


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