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Please guide me how can I just display the city name in live flight departure board.

I want that i just display the departure city and arrival city instead of departure airport and arrival city.

Thanks in advance.



Please guide me how can I just display the city name in live flight departure board.

I want that i just display the departure city and arrival city instead of departure airport and arrival city.

Thanks in advance.



The closest thing you can get to the city, is the airport!

You can try the showing the country as well!?

To show the city name, you would have to edit the phpvms_airports table and insert the data for all the airports, as well as make some changes to the files in the common and modules folders on your site.


Oh, OK, I read it wrong!

$depinfo = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($flight->depicao);
$arrinfo = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($flight->arricao);

And then, where you want them displayed:

<?php echo $depinfo->name;?>
<?php echo $arrinfo->name;?>



You code gives him the Airport Name doesn't it?

I think he wants the actual name of the city, of the airport. E.G KLAX - Los Angeles (Not Los Angeles international airport", EGLL - London (not Heathrow International airport")


As i said, if you want to do this, you would need to do a lot of modification to the airports table. The closest thing you can do, is what itrobb said; that is, the airport names!

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