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I love this software but I am having a couple of issues I hope someone can assist me with. Primarily, when I try and add an aircraft, I get an error message. I have included the before/after screen shot, although it may be tough to read as I had to shrink it to meet forum posting limits. I went through phpmysql and trashed the name index. I left name_1(I think that's the name of it) alone. Still no luck. And finally, my live map doesn't exist. It is simply empty white space. Any ideas? Thanks.


I forgot to add, I have tried filling out the entire form, and it didn't fix the aircraft issue.

And as it turns out, reading saves the day...and google maps. I figured out the google key situation, so that is now working. Still failing in the aircraft department though.



Well maybe you should try this...

When you fill out everything it looks like you are doing it right... Once your get to Aircraft Registration try and put your full airline name in. Then for Link to download aircraft and link to aircraft image don't put anything in there, then make sure to fill out the Range Weight and Cruise.

To find the Range, Weight, and Cruise you can go to the aircraft website and they should have all of that information on there for you. I hope this helps!!


Apache HTTPD 2.2.11 + Openssl 0.9.8i

MySQL 5.1.30

PHP 5.2.8

phpMyAdmin 3.1.1

Yes; I have four hubs. I'm currently just running this on my computer until my buddy sets up my webspace, at which point I'll export all the DB to the new setup. Will that work? Seems most of the important data could be easily transported. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Essentially I want to make it on my comp which has the above setup. Assuming my new space has the same versions of sql and php, it should work right?


It may be a little hard to just transfer everything over, besides the template you may have done and what not thats simple just a easy copy it over. But if you have done anything else it may not work. I have tried twice to transfer things over and both times had to just reinstall. Good thing about vms is its easy and quick to redo small things.

  • Administrators


Just backup the database, your skin (from lib/skins). Since your templates are copied into your skin folder and edited, those changes will remain packaged with the skin.

Now you can either:

Install phpVMS on the target server, then restore the database.


Upload phpVMS, copy your core/local.config.php file from your test to your live site, and edit the SITE_URL and database parameters in the file to match, and then restore the database.

Either of those will work.

I do all the test on a local machine, so I have 2 local.configs that point to 2 different databases, and then on the remote machine, the local.config for there and I just rsync the files up. I'm testing on MySQL 5.1.30 as well (are you using xampp?). I can add an aircraft just fine, but that may be because I've edited alot of the backend code. I don't think any others are having any problem (that I've heard, except the adding multiples which there is a fix for, and the patch will be in the next build) If you want to debug it, we can go through the steps of just adding a debug statement into that fail notice... let me know.



Roger that. I'll throw it on the live server and see if I have the same issues. On my test machine, I am using XAMPP. It's amazing and saves tons of setup time heh. Also, thanks for making these scripts and standing by them. It's nice to see someone take pride in their work and stand by and support it.

  • Administrators

Alright, "RANGE" is now a reserved word in mysql 5.1.x. Argh. I hate it when they change those things.

This will be fixed in the next update, since the column name needs to be changed.

  • Administrators

OK, here's the fix:

open /core/common/OperationsData.class.php

Around about line 149/150:

$sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "aircraft 
					(icao, name, fullname, registration, downloadlink, imagelink, range, weight, cruise)
				VALUES ('$icao', '$name', '$fullname', '$registration', '$downloadlink', '$imagelink',
							'$range', '$weight', '$cruise')";

Replace with:

$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft (
				 icao, name, fullname, registration, downloadlink,
				 imagelink, `range`, weight, cruise)
				'$icao', '$name', '$fullname', '$registration', '$downloadlink', 
				'$imagelink', '$range', '$weight', '$cruise')";

Then, scroll down about 10line:


$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft 
				SET icao='$icao', name='$name', fullname='$fullname',
					registration='$registration', downloadlink='$downloadlink', 
					imagelink='$imagelink',	range='$range', weight='$weight',
				WHERE id=$id";

Replace with:

$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft 
				SET icao='$icao', name='$name', fullname='$fullname',
					registration='$registration', downloadlink='$downloadlink', 
					imagelink='$imagelink',	`range`='$range', weight='$weight',
				WHERE id=$id";

Basically adding backticks (`) around the range column name.

This is fixed now for the next release but that's a quick fix for now.


Amazing. It fixed it. That was so frustrating! Thanks again though. One more thing...sorry to be a pain heh. At first my (admin) account didnt have the signature showing up, but i manually put it where it needed to be to appear, now I made a test account, and while the badge shows up, some other images dont.



By the way, this is sorta on topic. When adding aircraft, I was having a hard time finding stats that were either all using the same measurement (NM versus MI etc) but I found a site that has aircraft info, and small thumbnails of the aircraft (might be useful when the image feature is done). Anyhow here it is. I'm sure there are others but this is the first one I found. Sorry if this is considered spam, I am just sharing some help! http://www.airliners.net/aircraft-data/

  • Administrators

Cool, I'll add that as a link in the panel to look up that information.

Make sure /lib/signatures, /lib/avatars are CHMOD'd to 777. It checks during the install, but the OS/PHP sometimes return is_writeable() as true when it's not. Make sure those are writable, then, in the admin panel, regenerate the signature.

The avatar is missing (I'm gonna have a default "no avatar"), and the rank image is also missing (you have to define that in the panel)

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