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Hello phpVMS community!

My name is Jacob and I have been working on an addon for Nabeel's wonderful system for the past few weeks and I decided to go ahead and make an announcement towards its expected completion date.

The addon is something of a first for phpVMS, as we have yet to see a well structured admin plugin (if any at all) that interacts with the database and the client side fluently. This addon provides the ability for an airline's administration to add three different types of data (spanning three tables) to the database. Now before we get down and dirty with the details, let me start with a short introduction as to what it is and how it got started.

What is PilotShop?

PilotShop started as a one module addon that did nothing more than give the pilot the ability to use his/her money to purchase pre-planned items and add them to their portfolio. It died on my development site the week after its development was officially announced here on the forums. After a recent push from the community, I decided to pick it back up and apply my new knowledge towards it to make an overall great addon for phpVMS.


  • Admin side interface
  • Expansive options
  • Shops, products, shop types, product types etc.
  • Client side interface
  • Buy products, manage products, arrange products etc.
  • A new pilot "Home", allowing for pilots to add items to different shelves and closets to help better organize their purchases.
  • Completely run by the airline administration! Thus no content is restricted or limited, the sky is the limit
  • Associate a description, image, price, availability status etc.
  • Built using the phpVMS design flow ( No messy unreadable code )
  • Easily extended, using the expansive PilotShopData.class model

And of course more is always to come, post first release..

Expected release date: 02/01/2010 at 12:00AM


Now that we have covered what it is and what you can expect upon release, let us get to today's update!


Day 1

January 14, 2010

The admin interface for the most part is complete. I am going to go back and change a few things in the code that will do nothing more than clean up the source, improve load times and memory usage. I have started on the crucial buy function that will end up being one of the bigger functions in the PilotShopData.class.php file. Now I'm sure many of you are either curious or just skeptical on how the final product will look... Well right now I'm going to show you what ShopAdmin will look like for the most part.

Main Overview


For a larger version click http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8428/prev1d.jpg

Add dialogs


For a larger version click http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1338/prev3m.jpg

Associated dialog


For a larger version click http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5816/prev5.jpg

Well that pretty much concludes today's release! I hope all of you have enjoyed this release and have gained something out of it in its entirety. If you have any questions or comments that do not directly involve the addon or it's development, please send me a PM. If you wish to help or want to become a beta tester for either aspect of the system, e-mail me at kritikdevelopment@gmail.com.

With regards,

Jacob Krustchinsky

NOTE: If you are thinking about posting and you have not read the post in its entirety .. STOP .. I do not put effort into a post to have random and easily questions thrown back at me. If you have CC or positive comments feel free to post. Anything that is hasty, negative or detrimental to the addons succession will be reported. Keep it clean and on-topic so this thread can be read by everyone.


Day 2

Hello everyone,

This is going to be a short release just to announce a few updates. The development of the ShopAdmin side of this two part addon has been completed , now full focus is being turned onto the PilotShop part of the addon. Also in addition to the completion of the ShopAdmin, I would also like to announce the launch of our Beta testing program! So far we only have one person that has signed up and is willing to help out. If you would like to have first access to this addon, contact me using the details in the Day1 post to find out more.

Stay tuned for Day 3 coming soon...



are ready to assist as we can available to and is getting really good just by looking


estamos a disposição para ajudar no que pudermos disponha a e esta ficando muito bom só de olhar


Day 3

Today the beta testing has begun of the ShopAdmin portion of the addon! The testing should be done by Tuesday and the admin module will be ready to package. I expect the client portion to be finished by Thursday and ready to package as well. After I receive a report back from my testers today or tomorrow I will make the public aware of any major developments ( if any ).

Thank you,

Jacob Krustchinsky


Day 4

Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in for day five of our countdown to release of the long and overdue PilotShop addon. Today I am pleased to announce the completion of the user side and the ending of our beta testing program. So far only two/three minor things have been found and I have yet to hear a word from the bug team so I am concluding my testing schedule as well. The only grim news coming out today is that I am deprecating the PilotHome organization as it is messy and really serves no purpose. So instead of organizing your bought products, PilotHome will just list them along with their information ( name, image etc. ). So keep your eyes peeled for day 5, which will be our final day before release on 02-01-2010!


-Jacob Krustchinsky

  • 4 weeks later...

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