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DB error adding schedules


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Hi again... this time when adding an schedule to the db via the phpVMS Admin Panel got this error There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'maxload' at row 1

Im almost sure i didn´t  put anything wrong on the data in form tu upload it

here a screen of the data so can check


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PHP Version 5.3.0

MySQL  5.1.40

Checked on the db table on PHP MyAdmin and there is that 'maxload' column

i tried to upload the data from an CSV and got this

Airline with code VNE;511;MDSD;SVMI;KARIB UA554 REKON;;27000;;16::00;17::00;;;108;P;123456;1 does not exist! Skipping...
The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 0, for a total of 0

tried directly on the db via phpMyAdmin and the error was

"The number of CSV data fields on line 1 is invalid."

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Ok fully fixed now i can upload the schedule via the Admin Panel on phpVMS

The problem was solved changing the maxload field on the phpvms_schedules table on the data base from INT NOT NULL to VARCHAR NULL.

Can someone check that on the download it was form a fresh install of the version (2.0.854)

Happy coding and good landings...

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