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So I uploaded a clean install of phpvms to the live server and was just running through the install, and after putting in my DB info it gave some php error about it needing to be a string. I tinkered with it a bit, hit the 'test connection' button and it gave me an error saying accessis denied for me. Problem is that my DB username and DB name have an underscore in them. The error message truncated the underscore and everything after it. I'm going to try upping my (already installed) local copy, and altering the local.config by hand. wish me luck.

I get this now

Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /edited/edited/public_html/phatzilla/phpvms/core/classes/MySQL.class.php on line 134

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I've corrected that, it's just an error with the error logger which reports the error (phew)

But what it would tell you is that it can't connect to the database. Underscores shouldn't matter (I have 2 underscores in one of my test db's). Check the username/password/db name


Ok. I got tired of waiting for my buddy. I moved to a paid host. I srtarted doing a new install, then quickly realized I didn't need to. I put my skins folder on the live site and my updated local.config. It seems to work fine, except there is now no fleet, or pilots. I can';t even log in as admin. Should I try a fresh install and actually run the install script?



SQL query:


-- Dumping data for table `phpvms_acarsdata`


INSERT INTO `phpvms_acarsdata` ( `id` , `pilotid` , `flightnum` , `pilotname` , `aircraft` , `lat` , `lng` , `heading` , `alt` , `gs` , `depicao` , `depapt` , `arricao` , `arrapt` , `deptime` , `timeremaining` , `arrtime` , `distremain` , `phasedetail` , `online` , `messagelog` , `lastupdate` )

VALUES ( 1, 'WAR0001', 'WAR0001', '', 'NKSEA1', '48.649139', '-123.424438', 0, '65', 177, 'KSEA', 'SEATTLE TACOMA INTL', 'CYYJ', 'VICTORIA INTL', '00:00:00', '00:00', '00:00:00', '0', 'Cruise', '', '', '2008-12-29 01:27:07' ) ;

MySQL said: 

#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1


als, i just deleted a third pilot type i had addied, there wa admnistrators, active and i added a third.. meant to delet it, but since i cant access admin features, I just did it from the db. The url is www.westairregional.org

its horrible looking right now. Haha. I'm focused on the function at the moment.

Disregard. It's fixed. I'm just sql retarded :)

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