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Victor Virtual Airlines is currently a work in progress. I plan to open by the end of December, hopefully sooner. We will have a custom website, fully custom ACARS system, and much more!

We will operate all the major airlines around the world to guarantee there are no limits. We also plan to become VATSIM ATO Certified.

Keep tuned for more info coming along the way!

We are looking for more people to join our staff team now! If you are interested please join us in our TeamSpeak3 server.

Address: ts55.gameservers.com:9184

There currently is no password


Not yet. We are looking for someone to do a skin for our website now. What we are looking for is to fill staff positions and get everything in before we release to the public.


Victor Virtual needs your help! As you all know, every VA takes a lot of real world costs to make it work. We are now accepting donations to those who would like to help us get open sooner. To donate, follow this link- Donate Now!


Our website will not be available to the public until it is complete. However, the TeamSpeak in itself is proof of the project.

I dont mean to be rude either but you can buy a 5-10 slot teamspeak for like a buck or two. I have always believed that donations is not the way for a VA to live or survive. If you have no money to invest in your own project then i dont think you are ready.


i have the money to invest, but donations are always helpful. Would you rather put $500 into it, or put less than that because others are willing to help you succeed? Makes since. so let's not get into another phpvms forums argument over BS.

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You'd probably have more luck getting donations if you actually had something worth donating to on show. I'd recommend putting your own effort in first to get it up and running and then if people enjoy it they'll contribute to its upkeep.

Explaining where you're spending $240 would probably help too...


Alright guys, here's your big Christmas Present that you couldn't wait to get!

Victor Virtual Airlines needs your help! We're raising donations to improve our VA in total. Our goal is $70, once we reach our goal, all other donations will be donated to the Salvation Army. To donate, please click on our "donate" button on our website: http://www.victorvirtual.org/index.php/

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