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Hi there,

This is my first post on the forums so I'd like to say thank you to everyone that gives up their time to help newbies such as myself! Hopefully I'll get all the answers I need from here.

Okay, so I've just switched from FSAirlines to KaCARS, wordpress to PHPVMS, and as I'm sure you're aware, there's a huge difference! I've managed to work my way around a few of the bits and bobs. I'm also new to the whole php/sql/coding/anythingthatisntenglishtome lol! Because of this lack of knowledge, I'm stuck on a few bits and I'm hoping some of you guys may be able to help me.

The issues I have up to this point:

My ACARS map, I'd like to display on my front page. I'm okay with getting it on there etc but my issue is with the map itself. When viewing the page (http://wdwva.com/index.php/acars), although I've had a number of pilots flying throughout the day, when they've been flying, they aren't showing on the map :(

Pilots, at the moment can fly wherever they want, whenever they want.. If they fly a route, I'd like them to be located at that arrival airport and so they'd have to fly the aircraft back. I know there's a way of editing that in the scripts, I just cant remember or find the script forum post :(

I was also wondering if there is a module that works like this http://www.want2gothere.com/bhx/destinations/

Basically, where you can select a departure airport and then a google map displays the routes together with information.

That's my questions for now, I'd really appreciate some help

Thanks again :D

  • Administrators

1 - ACARS Map - Looks like you have incorrectly added the weather layer to the acars map script, see attached image. Remove your edits or replace the file with the default and see if it works.

2 - To only show schedules available from the airport that the pilot is at can be done by modifying the schedule results template but it will not prevent them from still flying a route from somewhere other than where they are at if they know a flight number or can search it in the ACARS client.

Something like:

//before the loop
if(Auth::LoggedIn()) {
$pilotlocation = PIREPData::getLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, '1');

//just inside the start of the loop
if(Auth::LoggedIn()) {
if($schedule->depicao != $pilotlocation->arricao){continue;}

would be a little bit of a messy way to do it but it would work. It would be better placed within the controller, or even better a custom controller so it would not get overwritten, but this should give you an idea. Again this will only stop the display of schedules that do not originate at the pilots last arrival point, which should be his current location, it will not stop them from flying and submiting PIREPS for other schedules that they know or searched for when they were not logged in, or found in the ACARS client.

3 - There is no built in map to do what you are asking that I am aware of. There is a map function available to pilots that will show their flown routes and also a function that will show all the schedules on a google map but it will usually not display if there are a lot of schedules to be parsed into it. I was able to adapt the Leaf map to do kind of what you are looking for -> http://www.virtualac...t/index.php/map - http://www.virtualaca.net/action.php/map/fullscreen_routes/CYHZ<- you can find the docs for Leaf here -> http://leafletjs.com/ <- you may be able to get the functionality you are looking for with some poking around within that system.


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Looking at the leafjet website, I have no idea what I'm doing. Without sitting down with someone and actually being taught how to use this and shown how to understand it all, I don't think I'm going to grasp it.

Is this the sort of thing you would be interested in scripting up for me if I send a donation or set amount to you for your time? Unfortunately, as stated, I'm new to all this and so it's like a different language to me.

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