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Have you tried lorthon's solution:

You would have to change the following in the StatsData

public static function UsersOnline($minutes = '')
               $key = 'users_online';
               $users_online = CodonCache::read($key);

               if($users_online === false)
                       if($minutes == '')
                               $minutes = Config::Get('USERS_ONLINE_TIME');

                       $sql = "SELECT p.*
                                       FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots p, ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s
                                       WHERE s.pilotid = p.pilotid 
                                       AND DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL {$minutes} MINUTE) <= s.`logintime`";

                       $users_online = DB::get_results($sql);

                       # Check if it's blank, then return an empty array
                               $users_online = array();

                       CodonCache::write($key, $users_online, 'short');

               return $users_online;

The problem is you would also have to remove the cache of this query. Since the query may keep the list old even if you change the time comparison in the query. So change the USER_ONLINE_TIME to say 1 min ( a least it will be closer) and then remove the cache scripting.

Also, have you tried to edit the USERS_ONLINE_TIME setting on your local.config.php?

# The StatsData::UserOnline() function - how many minutes to check
Config::Set('USERS_ONLINE_TIME', 20);

Where 20, replace this with the number of minutes you would like to "keep the sessions".

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